I thought it would be a good time to update my ports tree, and tried to run 'make update' from /usr/ports... It didn't work :) Fix: Note that this will require setting $PORTSSUPFILE, either in /etc/make.conf or in the command line... See next PR. How-To-Repeat: cd /usr/ports make update
Responsible Changed From-To: gnats-admin->freebsd-ports Misfiled PR.
After filing this PR, I realized that in /etc/make.conf, SUPFILE2 already points to /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile, so change references from 'PORTSSUPFILE' to SUPFILE2. (Perhaps if this change gets merged it, the test in /usr/src/MAKEFILE could be removed or flagged somehow...) joe
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports->asami Probably my area.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Non-issue, since src/Makefile offers an ``update'' target that does what's required. Closed with Satoshi's silent consent.