Unless I'm looking in the wrong place, it looks like it is not currently possible to search some of the newer FreeBSD mailing lists. I don't understand enough on how all that works to understand if there are back-end (indexing) changes needed, but I thinkg this may at least update the web page (http://www.freebsd.org/search/search.html) and encourage someone to take a look at the larger problem. Note that I haven't added the following (I don't know whether it is intended that they be left out): ia32, ircops, performance, stats, test, testing, vendors. Also NOTE: someone with better knowledge of the www tree than I have, ought to review this patch for possible major brain damage. This is simply my best-guess. Fix: Patch /usr/www/en/search/search.sgml with the following: How-To-Repeat: N/A
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-www->brueffer I'll take this
State Changed From-To: open->patched I committed most of the patch (slightly modified), freebsd-threads@ still to come, this needs some more work. Thanks!
State Changed From-To: patched->closed The last part of the patch is finally committed, thanks!