The Handbook's section on enabling ipfw (10.8.3) doesn't mention it's kldload'ness, just that a kernel recompile is necessary. Since rc.conf will load ipfw.ko on demand, this deserves a mention (along with necessary anti-foot shooting incantations to avoid looking yourself out of the box).
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-doc->kensmith I'll take this one, it meshes a little bit with an older PR I was looking at regarding IPFW in the advanced networking section.
Hi Nik, I've done some work on this PR and I've included a patch in this email. If it's not quite right, or you would like something added or changed, I'd be more than willing to help, so please let me know. Thanks, Marc
This PR [1] can be closed. kldload'ness of ipfw is in 24.6.1 Enabling IPFW [2]. Cheers! [1] [2] l#FIREWALLS-IPFW-ENABLE
State Changed From-To: open->closed Apparently this text or something like it has already been committed (see Audit-Trail).