Bug 6653 - The rc script sometimes produces errors which are unnecessary.
Summary: The rc script sometimes produces errors which are unnecessary.
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: bin (show other bugs)
Version: 3.0-CURRENT
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 1998-05-16 11:10 UTC by dom
Modified: 1999-06-22 14:52 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


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Description dom 1998-05-16 11:10:01 UTC
If there are directories in the /var/run directory (eg: as used by the
sudo and xemacs ports), then the line in /etc/rc that says:

rm -f /var/run/*

Produces an error on boot up time, which could confuse a new user.


Change the above mentioned line to:

rm -f /var/run/* 2>/dev/null

You may also wish to add the following statement to a point after which
/usr is mounted:

find /var/run -type f -print | xargs rm -f
1. Install sudo.
2. Use sudo.
3. Reboot.
Comment 1 Andre Albsmeier 1998-05-16 15:13:41 UTC
> >Description:
> If there are directories in the /var/run directory (eg: as used by the
> sudo and xemacs ports), then the line in /etc/rc that says:
> rm -f /var/run/*
> Produces an error on boot up time, which could confuse a new user.

Same as in -STABLE. See also misc/4723. I was told that ports which
create directories in /var/run are broken. However, nobody fixed
the ports nor changed /etc/rc :-( (Yes, I sent a mail to the sudo
port maintainer...)
Comment 2 dom 1998-05-16 19:10:02 UTC
On 16 May 1998, Andre Albsmeier proclaimed:
> > >Description:
> > 
> > If there are directories in the /var/run directory (eg: as used by the
> > sudo and xemacs ports), then the line in /etc/rc that says:
> > 
> > rm -f /var/run/*
> > 
> > Produces an error on boot up time, which could confuse a new user.
> Same as in -STABLE. See also misc/4723. I was told that ports which
> create directories in /var/run are broken. However, nobody fixed
> the ports nor changed /etc/rc :-( (Yes, I sent a mail to the sudo
> port maintainer...)

To me, the idea of using a directory in /var/run doesn't seem an
unreasonable thing to do.  If you don't, then people just end up using
/var/tmp instead for things which don't /really/ belong there.

Does anybody have a defeinitive statement of what /var/run should be
used for?
allectory calyptro agal artophagous arthrocarcinoma candlerent
bombastically aguavina anaesthesiant abortionist anagrammatize
anthropogenetic adenia antiophthalmic brevicaudate Bothriolepis
capitalizable arracach alestake calculating Amphisilidae Archencephala
Comment 3 Poul-Henning Kamp freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 1998-05-18 06:53:09 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->feedback

Yes, things that >SHALL< be blown away on boot. 
If the subdir sudo uses were removed as part of boot, would sudo 
make it again ?  If not, could you add a etc/rc.d script which creates 
it and then submit a patch which zaps /var/run completely ? 

Comment 4 Poul-Henning Kamp 1998-05-19 07:49:13 UTC
In message <E0ybK5c-00007n-00.qmail@myrddin.demon.co.uk>, Dom Mitchell writes:
>Poul-Henning Kamp <phk@FreeBSD.ORG> writes:
>> Synopsis: The rc script sometimes produces errors which are unnecessary.
>> State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
>> State-Changed-By: phk
>> State-Changed-When: Sun May 17 22:53:09 PDT 1998
>> State-Changed-Why: 
>> Yes, things that >SHALL< be blown away on boot.
>> If the subdir sudo uses were removed as part of boot, would sudo
>> make it again ?  If not, could you add a etc/rc.d script which creates
>> it and then submit a patch which zaps /var/run completely ?
>I'm not saying it should blow away directories under /var/run.  It
>should remove any files it finds though.  From what I've seen, this
>has to be a two stage process, removing stuff in /var/run at start and 
>removing stuff in subdirectories later, when /usr is mounted and find
>is available.

I just think that it would be much simpler to blow it all away in
one operation, and expect things needed subdirs to make them again.

If sudo is the only customer for subdirs at this time, I certainly
think this is the way to do it.

Poul-Henning Kamp             FreeBSD coreteam member
phk@FreeBSD.ORG               "Real hackers run -current on their laptop."
"ttyv0" -- What UNIX calls a $20K state-of-the-art, 3D, hi-res color terminal
Comment 5 Poul-Henning Kamp 1998-05-19 11:43:24 UTC
In message <Pine.BSF.3.91.980519203032.411U@panda.hilink.com.au>, "Daniel O'Cal
laghan" writes:
>>  I just think that it would be much simpler to blow it all away in
>>  one operation, and expect things needed subdirs to make them again.
>>  If sudo is the only customer for subdirs at this time, I certainly
>>  think this is the way to do it.
>sudo, *.pid (non-root) are candidates.
>What about
>cd /var/run
>rm -f *
>for dir in *
>	rm -f $dir/*

I'd rather:
	cd /var
	rm -rf run
	mkdir run

>Also, what is the purpose of /var/preserve, please?  Would that be a 
>better place to locate ntp.drift, rather than /etc?

/var/preserve is for vi I belive.  I put ntp.drift in /var/tmp

Poul-Henning Kamp             FreeBSD coreteam member
phk@FreeBSD.ORG               "Real hackers run -current on their laptop."
"ttyv0" -- What UNIX calls a $20K state-of-the-art, 3D, hi-res color terminal
Comment 6 eivind 1998-05-19 14:04:21 UTC
On Tue, May 19, 1998 at 12:43:24PM +0200, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> >Also, what is the purpose of /var/preserve, please?  Would that be a 
> >better place to locate ntp.drift, rather than /etc?
> /var/preserve is for vi I belive.

From hier(7):
     /var/    multi-purpose log, temporary, transient, and spool files
              preserve/  temporary home of files preserved after an accidental
                         death of an editor; see ex(1)

>  I put ntp.drift in /var/tmp

My preference would be for db:
              db/        misc. automatically generated system-specific
                         database files
though /var/tmp is probably OK, too (it is supposed to be kept between

Comment 7 dom 1998-05-19 18:29:41 UTC
On 19 May 1998, Poul-Henning Kamp proclaimed:
> In message <E0ybK5c-00007n-00.qmail@myrddin.demon.co.uk>, Dom Mitchell writes
> >I'm not saying it should blow away directories under /var/run.  It
> >should remove any files it finds though.  From what I've seen, this
> >has to be a two stage process, removing stuff in /var/run at start and 
> >removing stuff in subdirectories later, when /usr is mounted and find
> >is available.
> I just think that it would be much simpler to blow it all away in
> one operation, and expect things needed subdirs to make them again.

I agree.  That would be much cleaner.

> If sudo is the only customer for subdirs at this time, I certainly
> think this is the way to do it.

Well, so far, the ones that I have come across are sudo and xemacs.
Sudo needs it to track when a user/tty pair last executed a command.
I think that xemacs is using it for lockfiles.  Is there a better place
for both of these to go?  If so, I suggest that we fix the ports, and
keep /etc/rc as is.

Maybe we need a /var/ports directory, for ports to keep their own
information under...
butoxy alabamine aliquot aquocarbonic catarrhal bromacetate
azoxybenzoic bimaxillary cathedralic Amaryllis abjectedness
angiosclerosis blanketflower anhydric amputate brooklike baikalite
autoanalysis Angelica Barsac anthropopathic bulltoad bisetose
Comment 8 Sheldon Hearn freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 1999-06-22 14:51:02 UTC
State Changed
From-To: feedback->closed

phk in revision 1.145 of src/etc/rc .