py-4Suite-XML is a new port reflecting 4Suite's post-1.0b1 package structure. It is just the XML/XPath/XSLT/XUpdate portion of 4Suite. There will eventually be an add-on package, py-4Suite-RDF, that depends on this package, and another add-on, py-4Suite-Repository, that depends on py-4Suite-RDF. When all three are ready, the monolithic py-4suite port (which I maintain) will be retired.
Class Changed From-To: maintainer-update->change-request Fix category (new ports should be change-requests)
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->garga I'll take it.
Responsible Changed From-To: garga->freebsd-ports-bugs I won't have time to test it accordingly next days, so, back to the pool
State Changed From-To: open->closed New port added as textproc/py-4suite-xml (lowercase name). It fails strangely on amd64, but works on i386. Any ideas?