Wed Jul 3 2024 06:21:50 UTC
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ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
262961 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) bofh Closed DUPLICATE lang/php80: build fails with DTRACE enabled 2022-03-31
193109 Base System bin bugs Closed DUPLICATE [dtrace] cannot compile psinfo.d: line 37: syntax error near "uid_t" 2018-11-06
232995 Base System bin bugs Closed DUPLICATE [dtrace] failed to establish error handler 2018-11-06
265689 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) mat Closed DUPLICATE lang/perl5.32:fails to build: Configure: Fatal Error: /usr/sbin/dtrace doesn't support -h flag 2024-05-09
227312 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) perl Closed DUPLICATE lang/perl5* Fails to configure DTRACE=on when CTF info contains > 2^15 entries 2022-03-15
5 bugs found.
