Sat Sep 21 2024 00:56:33 UTC
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ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
270565 Ports & Packages Package Infrastruc portmgr Open --- electron* ports are blacklisted from the build 2024-08-15
275612 Ports & Packages Package Infrastruc portmgr New --- Mk/Scripts/ Make 'make depends' to show package names and versions where dependencies come from 2024-03-20
276495 Ports & Packages Package Infrastruc ports-bugs New --- /usr/ports/UPDATING lost links after trim 2024-01-23
260152 Ports & Packages Package Infrastruc portmgr Open --- Listings via appear outdated for main-amd64, main-arm64 (FreeBSD:14:aarch64) … 2023-10-06
268635 Ports & Packages Package Infrastruc portmgr Open --- parallel_build: of 131amd64 missing from the view of latest builds 2022-12-29
266329 Ports & Packages Package Infrastruc portmgr New --- armv7 builds have a lot of "Out of Memory" failures 2022-09-09
225614 Ports & Packages Package Infrastruc clusteradm Open --- uses an invalid security certificate 2020-03-18
7 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Package Infrastructure" component of the "Ports & Packages" product