Mon Jul 1 2024 05:43:37 UTC
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23 bugs found.
ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
223729 Base System bin bugs New --- rpcinfo (and probably rpcbind) do not seem to support IPv6 addresses 2022-02-06
232191 Base System kern bz New --- udp6 <- udp_input MC change 2018-10-17
232346 Base System kern bz New --- raw_ip hash -> raw_ip6? 2020-10-13
233172 Base System kern bz New --- Add IPv6 support for netdump 2023-03-22
246748 Base System kern net New --- feature wish: reply_from_interface and reply_src sysctl for IPv6 2020-06-09
247420 Base System kern net New --- panic: starting DAD on non-tentative address ... 2020-06-19
256813 Base System kern net New --- no neighbor advertisement after repeatedly setting ipv6 2024-05-07
272809 Base System kern net New --- gre interfaces, tunnelfib is ignored 2023-08-16
251587 Base System conf rc New --- netwait on an ipv6 address at system startup does not work when rtsold needs to be started first in order to obtain an ipv6 address for the machine 2021-07-11
262292 Base System bhyve virtualization New --- Seemingly not possible for IPv6 to function over tap devices on if_bridge 2022-04-10
165190 Base System kern ipfw Open --- ipfw(4): lo(4) loopback interface is not marking IPv6 packets 2023-09-13
262676 Base System kern bugs Open --- vimage: on starting jail instant kernel panic 2024-03-13
279618 Base System bin bugs Open --- getnameinfo - IPv6 problem 2024-06-10
232193 Base System kern bz Open --- in6_pcblookup_hash_locked() needs locking and inp validation possibly 2022-03-19
232348 Base System misc bz Open --- IPv6 TODO 2020-08-19
114371 Documentation Manual Pages doc Open --- rtadvd.con(5) should show how to advertise a default route 2023-03-22
247568 Documentation Books & Articles doc Open --- FreeBSD Handbook: ipfilter(4) IPV6 examples and documentation missing 2023-10-07
273207 Base System kern kp Open --- pf_syncookie_mac for IPv6 random cause panic 2024-05-29
197351 Base System kern net Open --- lagg(4): Panic removing IPv6 addresses from member interface 2019-05-07
245103 Base System standards net Open --- IPv6: update v6 temporary address lifetime according to rfc4941bis 2024-05-29
247912 Base System kern net Open --- [if_bridge] IPv6 ndp does not work across local bridge members 2022-03-22
272749 Base System bin net Open --- ndp(8): correct a few xo_emit formats 2023-09-13
274426 Base System bin net Open --- route get command returns a zero even no route is found 2023-12-28
23 bugs found.
