Bug 127918 - [ata] [request] [patch] ATA Security support for atacontrol(8)
Summary: [ata] [request] [patch] ATA Security support for atacontrol(8)
Status: Closed Overcome By Events
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: bin (show other bugs)
Version: 6.3-RELEASE
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-10-07 13:20 UTC by Daniel Roethlisberger
Modified: 2015-11-10 13:47 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:

atasecurity-20081007-complete.diff (18.17 KB, patch)
2008-10-07 13:20 UTC, Daniel Roethlisberger
no flags Details | Diff

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Description Daniel Roethlisberger 2008-10-07 13:20:02 UTC
This patch adds support for the ATA Security commands to atacontrol.
It also includes trivial changes to sys/dev/ata/ata-queue.c to teach
the kernel about the ATA Security commands when printing error messages.
I've implemented the security commands using the T13 draft ATA 7 Volume 1
Revision 4b as primary reference.

Please consider this patch for inclusion into -current.

ATA Security adds commands to password protect a drive.  Normally, ATA
Security is handled by the BIOS and the security configuration is frozen
before the OS is loaded.  However, some BIOSes do not freeze the security
configuration.  In such cases, atacontrol can be used to issue security
commands to a device, for instance to unlock a device, set a password,
disable password protection, to wipe the device or just to freeze the
security configuration as part of the OS initialization process.

usage:  atacontrol security <device> <security-command>:
        atacontrol security <device>
        atacontrol security <device> freeze
        atacontrol security <device> set master
        atacontrol security <device> set user high|maximum
        atacontrol security <device> unlock master|user
        atacontrol security <device> disable master|user
        atacontrol security <device> erase master|user [enhanced]

See the patched manual page for details.

Fix: The patch should apply to -current, but the code has been tested on
RELENG_7_1, RELENG_7_0 and RELENG_6_3 only.  You can also grab it from
Comment 1 Alexander Best freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2010-09-05 21:07:21 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->suspended

Work on the ATA subsytem has been suspended, because eventually it will get 
replaced by CAM.
Comment 2 Enji Cooper freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-11-10 13:47:53 UTC
atacontrol is no more after FreeBSD 9.x. Long live atacam and friends.