libOFX does not handle OFX headers properly because each header contains LF (and possibly CR) and does not take care when handle that header. So the encoding header is not handled properly. Fix: add file attached as files/patch-utf8_fix and recompile it. Patch attached with submission follows: How-To-Repeat: Use libofx related tools (gnucash import, ofxdump ....etc. ) to import OFX file with UTF-8 encoding.
State Changed From-To: open->closed committed, thanks
arved 2009-07-24 16:28:37 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: finance/libofx Makefile Added files: finance/libofx/files patch-utf8_fix Log: Fix import of UTF8 encoded OFX files PR: 137051 Submitted by: takawata Revision Changes Path 1.25 +1 -0 ports/finance/libofx/Makefile 1.1 +34 -0 ports/finance/libofx/files/patch-utf8_fix (new) _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""