during installation of FreeBSD, there is a list whose title says "Country Selection" but includes some places like Hong Kong or Macao, or politically disputed regions like Taiwan. It would be better to replace the title to a neutral term like "Country/Region Selection" to avoid the political issues, as 1) no one calls Hong Kong or Macao as a "country", and 2) I don't think FreeBSD is a correct place to spread some sorts of political ideas. Fix: Replace the title to "Country/Region Selection" instead of "Country Selection". How-To-Repeat: boot from the installation CD.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->brucec Take.
Responsible Changed From-To: brucec->freebsd-sysinstall Back to the pool.
sysinstall has been replaced by bsdinstall in FreeBSD 9.x. Closing.