encrypted output from bdes on CFB or OFB modes does not decrypt with bdes. For some combinations of plaintext/key/mode/length decryption dumps core, all others merely fail 'nicely'. CBC(default) and ECB modes are unaffected. labeled non-critical/low-priority as these would be rarely used modes. Fix: don't use CFB or OFB modes. How-To-Repeat: opt='-f 64 -k $key' ;key=0x$(md5 -qs "testpass") ;echo "plaintext for testing bdes" |bdes $opt |bdes -d $opt replacing "-f 64" with -F or -o and other suitable length
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->secteam For review/check to secteam
Responsible Changed From-To: secteam->cperciva Hi Colin, as one of our crypto experts, you might want to chime in on this one?
Responsible Changed From-To: cperciva->freebsd-bugs This is not something -secteam related so throw it back in the pool. One of the questions that passed me is that why would someone do this when openssl is capable of doing the same?
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