The USB chip included in CS5536 needs hw.usb.ehci.lostintrbug set to 1 in sysctl. Otherwise it will run into timeouts e.g. on disk I/O and abort with failed I/O operations. The corresponding conversation is on the FreeBSD USB mailing list: Fix: The sysctl setting should be set automatically. The bug and the connection to the sysctl workaround is not easy to find. Maybe someone knows how to add a quirk to sys/dev/usb/controller/ehci_pci.c. With my limited knowledge of the code I could not figure out how to properly patch the code. Thanks. How-To-Repeat: Connect a USB disk, read the whole disk with dd.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-i386->freebsd-usb Over to maintainer(s)
batch change: For bugs that match the following - Status Is In progress AND - Untouched since 2018-01-01. AND - Affects Base System OR Documentation DO: Reset to open status. Note: I did a quick pass but if you are getting this email it might be worthwhile to double check to see if this bug ought to be closed.
Sorry this PR was left unattended. Is this bug still valid? Do you have hardware to verify the fix?
ehci0 at pci0:0:15:5: class=0x0c0320 card=0x20951022 chip=0x20951022 rev=0x02 hdr=0x00 vendor = 'Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)' device = 'CS5536 EHCI USB Host Controller (CS5536)' class = serial bus subclass = USB ehci_pci_match() case 0x20951022: return ("AMD CS5536 (Geode) USB 2.0 controller"); Please try to reproduce this issue with the latest -stable FreeBSD code. Thank you! --HPS
Sorry, don't have the hardware anymore.
Since the issue can't be verified on -stable and there is a good chance it has been fixed over the years I'm closing this bug as "Overcome by Events". Feel free to re-open if it's reproducible on recent versions of FreeBSD.