Bug 153426 - [patch] fsck_msdosfs(8) only works with sector size 512
Summary: [patch] fsck_msdosfs(8) only works with sector size 512
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: bin (show other bugs)
Version: 9.0-CURRENT
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: Doug Ambrisko
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-12-24 13:10 UTC by Keith White
Modified: 2019-04-08 18:29 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:

Updated Bruce's patch to apply on FreeBSD 10 (and 11) (5.65 KB, patch)
2014-08-10 01:10 UTC, Pedro F. Giffuni
no flags Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Keith White 2010-12-24 13:10:11 UTC
It is possible to create and use an msdos filesystem with 2048-byte
sectors; but it is not possible to "fsck" it.  "fsck_msdosfs" on
such a fileystem returns:
          "could not read boot block (Invalid argument)"

Fix: The following POC patch uses DIOCGSECTORSIZE instead of a fixed value of DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE.


#include "ext.h"
  #include "fsutil.h"
@@ -47,11 +48,23 @@
         u_char backup[DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE];
         int ret = FSOK;
         int i;
+       u_char *tblock;
+       unsigned int sectorsize;

-       if (read(dosfs, block, sizeof block) != sizeof block) {
+       if ((ioctl(dosfs, DIOCGSECTORSIZE, &sectorsize) == -1) || sectorsize < sizeof block) {
+               printf("** could not get valid device sectorsize, assuming %d\n", sizeof block);
+               sectorsize = sizeof block;
+       }
+       tblock = (u_char *)malloc(sectorsize);
+       if (read(dosfs, tblock, sectorsize) != sectorsize) {
                 perror("could not read boot block");
                 return FSFATAL;
+       memcpy(block, tblock, sizeof block);
+       free(tblock);
+       if (sectorsize != sizeof block) {
+               printf("** non-standard sectorsize of %d\n", sectorsize);
+       }

         if (block[510] != 0x55 || block[511] != 0xaa) {
                 pfatal("Invalid signature in boot block: %02x%02x",
Content-Type: text/plain; name="file.diff"
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--- src/sbin/fsck_msdosfs/boot.c.orig   2010-07-03 06:49:57.000000000 -0400
+++ src/sbin/fsck_msdosfs/boot.c        2010-12-24 05:49:09.000000000 -0500
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
  #include <string.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/disk.h>
         dd if=/dev/zero bs=1m of=msdos.img count=20
         MD=`mdconfig -af msdos.img`
         gnop create -S 2048 -v $MD
         newfs_msdos -n1 $MD.nop
         fsck_msdosfs /dev/$MD.nop
         ** /dev/md4.nop
         could not read boot block (Invalid argument)
         mount -t msdosfs /dev/$MD.nop /mnt
Comment 1 Bruce Evans freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2010-12-24 14:23:25 UTC
On Fri, 24 Dec 2010, Keith White wrote:

>> Description:
> It is possible to create and use an msdos filesystem with 2048-byte
> sectors; but it is not possible to "fsck" it.  "fsck_msdosfs" on
> such a fileystem returns:
>          "could not read boot block (Invalid argument)"
>> Fix:
> The following POC patch uses DIOCGSECTORSIZE instead of a fixed value of DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE.

A much larger patch is needed, since fsck_msdosfs does many other reads
size DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE or twice that, and to actually fix things it still
tries writing size DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE for the boot block as well as the
writes corresponding to the other reads.

Also, newfs_msdos used to always put the boot block signature and
fsinfo in wrong places (relative to the end of the physical sector)
when the physical sector size is not 512, so fsck_msdosfs needs to
look in these wrong places as well as the right places, at least for
its signature checks so that it doesn't abort, and consider moving
stuff from the wrong places to the right places (but since msdosfs
just doesn't see stuff in wrong places and doesn't check the primary
signature, it is OK for fsck_msdosfs to ignore the misplaced metadata
and create fresh metadata; this is especially true for fsinfo since
it should be advisory-only).

The unportable DIOCGSECTORSIZE ioctl is not needed and shouldn't be
used, since the boot block contains the sector size that the file
system was created with, and size returned by the ioctl (if any) it
doesn't work unless the media is the same as that on which the file
system was created and everything agrees about it.  One case where the
size returned by the ioctl is no good is for fsck on images of file
systems in regular files -- then the ioctl always fail so it doesn't
return any size.

> =============
> --- src/sbin/fsck_msdosfs/boot.c.orig   2010-07-03 06:49:57.000000000 -0400
> +++ src/sbin/fsck_msdosfs/boot.c        2010-12-24 05:49:09.000000000 -0500
> @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
>  #include <string.h>
>  #include <stdio.h>
>  #include <unistd.h>
> +#include <sys/disk.h>
>  #include "ext.h"
>  #include "fsutil.h"
> @@ -47,11 +48,23 @@
>         u_char backup[DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE];

read()s of size sizeof(backup) and possibly of sizeof(fsinfo) (1K) will
still fail.  The failures are fatal, so I think your patch only works
on the unusual non-FAT32 case when these reads aren't attempted, and
when there are also no errors in the boot blocks or fsinfo so no writes
are attempted.

I'm not completely happy with my patch.  It preserves some style bugs.
The reblocking is laborious.  Perhaps it should be simplified using
utility xread() and xwrite() functions, and make missing signatures
non-fatal.  It is very bogus that msdosfs now ignores the primary
signature, while fsck_msdosfs refuses to even look at the file system
when there is no primary signature or the primary signature is where
newfs_msdos used to put it but not where it should be (except with
this patch it accepts it in either place); so fsck_msdosfs can't even
fix common signature problems; these should be handled like corrupted
primary superblocks for ffs (ask but blindly continue if allowed).

% Index: boot.c
% ===================================================================
% RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sbin/fsck_msdosfs/boot.c,v
% retrieving revision 1.6
% diff -u -2 -r1.6 boot.c
% --- boot.c	31 Jan 2008 13:16:29 -0000	1.6
% +++ boot.c	3 Jul 2010 16:53:33 -0000
% @@ -48,4 +48,6 @@
%  #include "fsutil.h"
% +#define	IOSIZE	65536
% +
%  int
%  readboot(dosfs, boot)
% @@ -53,18 +55,48 @@
%  	struct bootblock *boot;
%  {
% +	u_char ioblock[IOSIZE];
% +	u_char iofsinfo[IOSIZE];
% +	u_char iobackup[IOSIZE];
%  	u_char block[DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE];
%  	u_char fsinfo[2 * DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE];
%  	u_char backup[DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE];
% +	u_char *infop;
% +	size_t iosize;
% +	u_int secsize;
%  	int ret = FSOK;
% -	if (read(dosfs, block, sizeof block) < sizeof block) {
% +	/* Search for an i/o size that works. */
% +	for (iosize = IOSIZE; iosize >= DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE; iosize >>= 1) {
% +		if (lseek(dosfs, (off_t)0, SEEK_SET) == 0 &&
% +		    read(dosfs, ioblock, iosize) == (ssize_t)iosize)
% +			break;
% +	}
% +	if (iosize < DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE) {
%  		perror("could not read boot block");
%  		return FSFATAL;
%  	}
% +	memcpy(block, ioblock, sizeof block);
% -	if (block[510] != 0x55 || block[511] != 0xaa) {
% -		pfatal("Invalid signature in boot block: %02x%02x", block[511], block[510]);
% +	/*
% +	 * Preliminary decode to determine where the signature might be.
% +	 * It is supposed to be at the end of a 512-block, but we used to
% +	 * put it at the end of a sector.  Accept the latter so as to fix
% +	 * it someday.
% +	 */
% +	secsize = block[11] + (block[12] << 8);
% +	if (secsize < sizeof block || secsize > IOSIZE) {
% +		perror("Preposterous or unsupported sector size");
%  		return FSFATAL;
%  	}
% +	if (block[510] != 0x55 || block[511] != 0xaa) {
% +		if (ioblock[secsize - 2] != 0x55 ||
% +		    ioblock[secsize - 1] != 0xaa) {
% +			pfatal("Invalid signature in boot block: %02x%02x",
% +			    block[511], block[510]);
% +			return FSFATAL;
% +		}
% +		pwarn(
% +	"Invalid primary signature in boot block -- using secondary\n");
% +	}
%  	memset(boot, 0, sizeof *boot);
% @@ -107,11 +139,12 @@
%  		boot->Backup = block[50] + (block[51] << 8);
% +		iosize = (secsize >= sizeof fsinfo) ?  secsize : sizeof fsinfo;
%  		if (lseek(dosfs, boot->FSInfo * boot->BytesPerSec, SEEK_SET)
%  		    != boot->FSInfo * boot->BytesPerSec
% -		    || read(dosfs, fsinfo, sizeof fsinfo)
% -		    != sizeof fsinfo) {
% +		    || read(dosfs, iofsinfo, iosize) != (ssize_t)iosize) {
%  			perror("could not read fsinfo block");
%  			return FSFATAL;
%  		}
% +		memcpy(fsinfo, iofsinfo, sizeof fsinfo);
%  		if (memcmp(fsinfo, "RRaA", 4)
%  		    || memcmp(fsinfo + 0x1e4, "rrAa", 4)
% @@ -124,4 +157,22 @@
%  		    || fsinfo[0x3fe] != 0x55
%  		    || fsinfo[0x3ff] != 0xaa) {
% +			infop = &iofsinfo[secsize - DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE];
% +			if (memcmp(fsinfo, "RRaA", 4) == 0 &&
% +			    memcmp(infop + 0x1e4, "rrAa", 4) == 0 &&
% +			    infop[0x1fc] == 0 &&
% +			    infop[0x1fd] == 0 &&
% +			    infop[0x1fe] == 0x55 &&
% +			    infop[0x1ff] == 0xaa) {
% +				pwarn(
% +		    "Invalid signature in fsinfo block -- using secondary\n");
% +				/*
% +				 * Silently fix up the actual fsinfo data
% +				 * (just 2 32-bit words) since this data
% +				 * is advisory and the indentation is
% +				 * already too painful to ask about this.
% +				 */
% +				memcpy(fsinfo + 0x1e8, infop + 0x1e8, 8);
% +				goto over;
% +			}
%  			pwarn("Invalid signature in fsinfo block\n");
%  			if (ask(0, "Fix")) {
% @@ -134,12 +185,14 @@
%  				fsinfo[0x3fe] = 0x55;
%  				fsinfo[0x3ff] = 0xaa;
% +				memcpy(iofsinfo, fsinfo, sizeof fsinfo);
%  				if (lseek(dosfs, boot->FSInfo * boot->BytesPerSec, SEEK_SET)
%  				    != boot->FSInfo * boot->BytesPerSec
% -				    || write(dosfs, fsinfo, sizeof fsinfo)
% -				    != sizeof fsinfo) {
% +				    || write(dosfs, iofsinfo, iosize)
% +				    != (ssize_t)iosize) {
%  					perror("Unable to write FSInfo");
%  					return FSFATAL;
%  				}
%  				ret = FSBOOTMOD;
% +over: ;
%  			} else
%  				boot->FSInfo = 0;
% @@ -156,8 +209,9 @@
%  		if (lseek(dosfs, boot->Backup * boot->BytesPerSec, SEEK_SET)
%  		    != boot->Backup * boot->BytesPerSec
% -		    || read(dosfs, backup, sizeof backup) != sizeof  backup) {
% +		    || read(dosfs, iobackup, secsize) != (ssize_t)secsize) {
%  			perror("could not read backup bootblock");
%  			return FSFATAL;
%  		}
% +		memcpy(backup, iobackup, sizeof backup);
%  		backup[65] = block[65];				/* XXX */
%  		if (memcmp(block + 11, backup + 11, 79)) {
% @@ -235,12 +299,18 @@
%  	struct bootblock *boot;
%  {
% +	u_char iofsinfo[IOSIZE];
%  	u_char fsinfo[2 * DOSBOOTBLOCKSIZE];
% +	size_t iosize;
% +	u_int secsize;
% +	secsize = boot->BytesPerSec;
% +	iosize = (secsize >= sizeof fsinfo) ? secsize : sizeof fsinfo;
%  	if (lseek(dosfs, boot->FSInfo * boot->BytesPerSec, SEEK_SET)
%  	    != boot->FSInfo * boot->BytesPerSec
% -	    || read(dosfs, fsinfo, sizeof fsinfo) != sizeof fsinfo) {
% +	    || read(dosfs, iofsinfo, iosize) != (ssize_t)iosize) {
%  		perror("could not read fsinfo block");
%  		return FSFATAL;
%  	}
% +	memcpy(fsinfo, iofsinfo, sizeof fsinfo);
%  	fsinfo[0x1e8] = (u_char)boot->FSFree;
%  	fsinfo[0x1e9] = (u_char)(boot->FSFree >> 8);
% @@ -251,8 +321,8 @@
%  	fsinfo[0x1ee] = (u_char)(boot->FSNext >> 16);
%  	fsinfo[0x1ef] = (u_char)(boot->FSNext >> 24);
% +	memcpy(iofsinfo, fsinfo, sizeof fsinfo);
%  	if (lseek(dosfs, boot->FSInfo * boot->BytesPerSec, SEEK_SET)
%  	    != boot->FSInfo * boot->BytesPerSec
% -	    || write(dosfs, fsinfo, sizeof fsinfo)
% -	    != sizeof fsinfo) {
% +	    || write(dosfs, iofsinfo, iosize) != (ssize_t)iosize) {
%  		perror("Unable to write FSInfo");
%  		return FSFATAL;

Comment 2 Pedro F. Giffuni freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-08-10 01:10:49 UTC
Created attachment 145599 [details]
Updated Bruce's patch to apply on FreeBSD 10 (and 11)

Update bde's patch for 10-stable. Only compile-tested so far.
Comment 3 Pedro F. Giffuni freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-03-16 19:33:41 UTC
(In reply to Pedro F. Giffuni from comment #2)

FWIW, I tested the patch with a 32K cluster size, which according to Microsoft is the maximum default cluster size for fat32:


   Partition size           Cluster size
   512 MB to 8,191 MB          4 KB
   8,192 MB to 16,383 MB       8 KB
   16,384 MB to 32,767 MB     16 KB
   Larger than 32,768 MB      32 KB

(Of course FAT16 accepts bigger values).

I am able to run fsck on the filesystem before and after the patch, however, the filesystem is OK so fsck is actually doing nothing on both cases.
Comment 4 Eitan Adler freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2018-05-20 23:52:25 UTC
For bugs matching the following conditions:
- Status == In Progress
- Assignee == "bugs@FreeBSD.org"
- Last Modified Year <= 2017

- Set Status to "Open"
Comment 5 Xin LI freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2019-04-08 18:29:01 UTC
(In reply to Pedro F. Giffuni from comment #3)
I think this was already fixed by Doug in r273865 (2014-10-30)?

Note that the current code still assumes that the sector is less or equal to 4KiB, which may become an issue when we have a native sector size that is greater than bpbBytesPerSec, but to fix that we need a more through overhaul.