Bug 160296 - [zyd] [panic] 802.11 usb device reboots system on 'ifconfig wlan0 up scan'
Summary: [zyd] [panic] 802.11 usb device reboots system on 'ifconfig wlan0 up scan'
Status: Closed Not Enough Information
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: wireless (show other bugs)
Version: 8.2-RELEASE
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-wireless (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-08-29 20:50 UTC by Bob Schafer
Modified: 2019-01-27 17:46 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Bob Schafer 2011-08-29 20:50:07 UTC
Belkin F5D7050 is a usb device with 802.11g capability and is referenced
in the FreeBSD hardware notes as an acceptable wireless device which uses
the zyd device driver.

dmesg shows:

zyd0: <Belkin USB2.0 WLAN, rev 2.00/48.10, addr 2> on usbus2

upon insertion, device is recognized as zyd0

"ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev zyd0" creates wlan0 as expected

"ifconfig wlan0 up scan" causes system to immediately reboot. no panic
message seen. no entry in /var/log/messages.

How-To-Repeat: 1. plug in Belkin F5D7050
2. ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev zyd0
3. ifconfig wlan0 up scan
Comment 1 Mark Linimon freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2011-09-05 06:15:27 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-i386->freebsd-wireless

Probably not i386-specific.
Comment 2 Eitan Adler freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2018-05-28 19:45:55 UTC
batch change:

For bugs that match the following
-  Status Is In progress 
- Untouched since 2018-01-01.
- Affects Base System OR Documentation


Reset to open status.

I did a quick pass but if you are getting this email it might be worthwhile to double check to see if this bug ought to be closed.
Comment 3 Andriy Voskoboinyk freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2019-01-27 17:46:45 UTC
For panic backtrace 'options KDB_TRACE' + 'options KDB' are needed; however, since the driver was marked as 'tested' in https://wiki.freebsd.org/projects/ifnet/net80211 and this PR is ~7 years old I assume it's no longer relevant; in case if that's not true feel free to reopen the PR.