Bug 170312 - [NEW PORT] games/kye-data: Extra Levels for Python Kye
Summary: [NEW PORT] games/kye-data: Extra Levels for Python Kye
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: Jason Helfman
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-08-01 15:10 UTC by nemysis
Modified: 2012-08-04 23:10 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:

.shar (8.39 KB, text/plain)
2012-08-01 15:10 UTC, nemysis
no flags Details

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description nemysis 2012-08-01 15:10:03 UTC
Extra Levels for Python Kye.

This is a clone of the game Kye for Windows, originally by Colin Garbutt. It
is a puzzle game, which is a little like the old falling-rocks puzzle games,
and perhaps also inspired a little by Sokoban. But Kye has more variety of
objects, and so is capable of posing quite complex puzzles.

This clone is written by Colin Phipps <cph@moria.org.uk> in Python and uses
gtk. So it will run on modern Linux systems easily enough, and indeed should
work on any system with working Python and pygtk. It works on Windows as well,
for instance.

WWW: http://games.moria.org.uk/kye/mylevels/

Generated and tested manually, tested with port test and with RedPorts (all RELEASES), sent  with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.99_6 (mode: new)
Comment 1 Jason Helfman freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2012-08-01 20:41:54 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->jgh

I'll take it.
Comment 2 dfilter service freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2012-08-04 23:02:06 UTC
Author: jgh
Date: Sat Aug  4 22:01:54 2012
New Revision: 302036
URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/302036

  add new port: games/kye-data
  Original extra Levels for Python Kye.
  This is a clone of the game Kye for Windows, originally by Colin Garbutt. It
  is a puzzle game, which is a little like the old falling-rocks puzzle games,
  and perhaps also inspired a little by Sokoban. But Kye has more variety of
  objects, and so is capable of posing quite complex puzzles.
  This clone is written by Colin Phipps <cph@moria.org.uk> in Python and uses
  gtk. So it will run on modern Linux systems easily enough, and indeed should
  work on any system with working Python and pygtk. It works on Windows as well,
  for instance.
  WWW: http://games.moria.org.uk/kye/
  WWW: http://www.nuke.demon.co.uk/kye/levels/
  PR:	ports/170312
  Submitted by:	nemysis@gmx.ch

  head/games/kye-data/Makefile   (contents, props changed)
  head/games/kye-data/distinfo   (contents, props changed)
  head/games/kye-data/pkg-descr   (contents, props changed)
  head/games/kye-data/pkg-plist   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/games/Makefile
--- head/games/Makefile	Sat Aug  4 21:59:15 2012	(r302035)
+++ head/games/Makefile	Sat Aug  4 22:01:54 2012	(r302036)
@@ -450,6 +450,7 @@
     SUBDIR += kuklomenos
     SUBDIR += kwappen
     SUBDIR += kye
+    SUBDIR += kye-data
     SUBDIR += ladder
     SUBDIR += lander
     SUBDIR += lapispuzzle

Added: head/games/kye-data/Makefile
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/games/kye-data/Makefile	Sat Aug  4 22:01:54 2012	(r302036)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# New Ports collection makefile for:	kye-data
+# Date created:		25 July 2012
+# Whom:			nemysis@gmx.ch
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME=	kye-data
+PORTVERSION=	20120725
+MASTER_SITES=	http://games.moria.org.uk/kye/ \
+		http://www.nuke.demon.co.uk/kye/levels/
+# Selection of production-ready/well-known Kye Levels
+# (ziped Levels already included from games.moria.org.uk are excluded)
+# Please contact the MAINTAINER if a Level is missing
+MAINTAINER=	nemysis@gmx.ch
+COMMENT=	Original extra Levels for Python Kye
+RUN_DEPENDS=	Kye:${PORTSDIR}/games/kye
+EXTRACT_DEPENDS=	unzip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unzip
+NO_BUILD=	yes
+DATADIR=	${PREFIX}/share/kye
+LEVELS=		jungle.kye maze.kye problem.kye system.kye mystical.kye \
+		hordes.kye crowds.kye
+LEVELS_KYE=	vvv1 vvv2 vvv3 vexkyelevels Training \
+		Beginner RComb 2Fun4Me Action2 jg \
+		afebrile alanskye AntKye2 Danish Garyskye \
+		gsmick InARush nelsons Newkye philsel1 \
+		Ricardo TPsKye sampler
+.  for f in ${LEVELS_KYE:S/$/.zip/}
+	@${UNZIP_CMD} -qo -d ${WRKDIR} ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${f}
+.  endfor
+	@for i in `${FIND} ${WRKDIR} -name \*.KYE`; do \
+		${MV} $$i `echo $$i | ${SED} -e 's/KYE/kye/'`; done
+.  for f in ${LEVELS}
+.  endfor
+	@cd ${WRKDIR} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} \*.kye ${DATADIR}
+	@${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/"newkye_ french_engl.rtf" ${DATADIR}/Newkye_french_engl.rtf
+	@${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/readme.txt ${DATADIR}/vex.txt
+	@${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/Readit.txt ${DATADIR}/TPsKye.txt
+	@${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/Readme.txt ${DATADIR}/Training.txt
+.include <bsd.port.mk>

Added: head/games/kye-data/distinfo
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/games/kye-data/distinfo	Sat Aug  4 22:01:54 2012	(r302036)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+SHA256 (kye/jungle.kye) = 1651817410a66210025efb0a4dfca6bc8b70d108905e51eed873bda59964576b
+SIZE (kye/jungle.kye) = 6943
+SHA256 (kye/maze.kye) = 5955f5541fd192527c6b77619b7e7e0c09efbd206372033b9c2f91ff26dd1a72
+SIZE (kye/maze.kye) = 6952
+SHA256 (kye/problem.kye) = 5879adba363fe50d6f3930a327ddb5c03d710b69c031deeb9ac7a925945086e3
+SIZE (kye/problem.kye) = 13952
+SHA256 (kye/system.kye) = b5c6c2e29b1bd2d5e2de6660d0e6ecdfbbd5819ab00cefddd89009d906234147
+SIZE (kye/system.kye) = 4228
+SHA256 (kye/mystical.kye) = 48c9db6bdb0c50ef5ef576c3afaa17d5d74dc978a62506dcce9825fcf695daad
+SIZE (kye/mystical.kye) = 2820
+SHA256 (kye/hordes.kye) = 650bb1cd8342c2034e4a77f04b9fc2b14585b495de3d97cde8a74785aae8f0df
+SIZE (kye/hordes.kye) = 4165
+SHA256 (kye/crowds.kye) = 0535d9589043a1d70443c23def69cf3749fe19a856638d81d38b32c4088e50f1
+SIZE (kye/crowds.kye) = 4887
+SHA256 (kye/vvv1.zip) = 1f83cd0d764aeefeaa25dd1708b59491096f75e30b7d95f130e071b80a553aba
+SIZE (kye/vvv1.zip) = 3214
+SHA256 (kye/vvv2.zip) = ce2c00897bcf50e1d0ca47e9a791d2a1996966088d372f84f907e2d2ef4c4fce
+SIZE (kye/vvv2.zip) = 3486
+SHA256 (kye/vvv3.zip) = 94d91b27004ae0a8a9f66f249371da1f02f23dc5ce4d68772b9a16499df4b645
+SIZE (kye/vvv3.zip) = 3494
+SHA256 (kye/vexkyelevels.zip) = 8cb88517101e74805d4c5178c62e3b88ad3881174084c66a4e20311ab5b97a49
+SIZE (kye/vexkyelevels.zip) = 3228
+SHA256 (kye/Training.zip) = 1a31522385a6f90477346d5dc669b9ba3f2744249e5da18aeb4d988e4b651a0f
+SIZE (kye/Training.zip) = 3554
+SHA256 (kye/Beginner.zip) = 8d901a72528018b45c4a8226c2a7520b08647c7610d0e09ff629df2978be6c74
+SIZE (kye/Beginner.zip) = 2390
+SHA256 (kye/RComb.zip) = baf8fc144736c1c77945b2c83119e8380e76611eb20ad15c28494f73d6e2ee57
+SIZE (kye/RComb.zip) = 3291
+SHA256 (kye/2Fun4Me.zip) = 6d47ccfd87acde3d1812eb61a7cdac926c2c5ef898742b1837cab64865f111fa
+SIZE (kye/2Fun4Me.zip) = 1773
+SHA256 (kye/Action2.zip) = cfbe5796a74938a1622fce9a67df754f7c1d8a7aa725b35a19a8dd7332cc5e5a
+SIZE (kye/Action2.zip) = 4479
+SHA256 (kye/jg.zip) = 94f55396b0134eeadca25f32f70f511cfd5964d60b7cd45cb888f862062ed07d
+SIZE (kye/jg.zip) = 1893
+SHA256 (kye/afebrile.zip) = 0e948982bf50fc771b9d3b21d37e156bf3d3c8ffdbfb71efd8f94533155f4718
+SIZE (kye/afebrile.zip) = 1207
+SHA256 (kye/alanskye.zip) = 6a1efff461c1f74f017822fa5bbfde616ecb85309d76e49f1383fbd35c186236
+SIZE (kye/alanskye.zip) = 2217
+SHA256 (kye/AntKye2.zip) = 35cdad33a29c846d0a21ff70ac7397864ab648db5a114fdfea79f320cb715137
+SIZE (kye/AntKye2.zip) = 1603
+SHA256 (kye/Danish.zip) = a2be4ab40c0fec6c406004798d7f3eb36a593e81b17dcc09ed73084f10191716
+SIZE (kye/Danish.zip) = 2437
+SHA256 (kye/Garyskye.zip) = 330b49a85b35a60832fd85d8b59f73ccd9097455c1b31d0a716917f357c3db29
+SIZE (kye/Garyskye.zip) = 6863
+SHA256 (kye/gsmick.zip) = 48f396faf297a133794e8ece1d664536ed68e30698c345f0212f4444caf97000
+SIZE (kye/gsmick.zip) = 2631
+SHA256 (kye/InARush.zip) = bc5584e2f917a9dec901e2a9c61454ad7e7c006b87dd04a4af10c392643558cb
+SIZE (kye/InARush.zip) = 1767
+SHA256 (kye/nelsons.zip) = 6706cb95cfde5bf6364a050237bd90f08e2d75f41dd3b616ad120045ef19e887
+SIZE (kye/nelsons.zip) = 4246
+SHA256 (kye/Newkye.zip) = d9b515e2c4f5344727580c52e88e5b44f8e11f73158dad187d9c3249f6ac2d85
+SIZE (kye/Newkye.zip) = 6912
+SHA256 (kye/philsel1.zip) = 7fece7e465831c4f0562cfd8df2029b671f7a96d811a1cd71cb2fd96def67061
+SIZE (kye/philsel1.zip) = 3665
+SHA256 (kye/Ricardo.zip) = 50707f982e0fa28659b58fd8cbd25be2f357fa09cc6dc576d07a4406b0fe7a86
+SIZE (kye/Ricardo.zip) = 1259
+SHA256 (kye/TPsKye.zip) = f65ef0cc8322e153334d39626c577082dd310c08b6ebf07586186114d8853988
+SIZE (kye/TPsKye.zip) = 10483
+SHA256 (kye/sampler.zip) = 6b5d85e8f8b87298ea927424159ee15c7609fd2e81068e68fd7df60f2c76e4f1
+SIZE (kye/sampler.zip) = 4641

Added: head/games/kye-data/pkg-descr
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/games/kye-data/pkg-descr	Sat Aug  4 22:01:54 2012	(r302036)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Original extra Levels for Python Kye.
+This is a clone of the game Kye for Windows, originally by Colin Garbutt. It
+is a puzzle game, which is a little like the old falling-rocks puzzle games,
+and perhaps also inspired a little by Sokoban. But Kye has more variety of
+objects, and so is capable of posing quite complex puzzles.
+This clone is written by Colin Phipps <cph@moria.org.uk> in Python and uses
+gtk. So it will run on modern Linux systems easily enough, and indeed should
+work on any system with working Python and pygtk. It works on Windows as well,
+for instance.
+WWW: http://games.moria.org.uk/kye/
+WWW: http://www.nuke.demon.co.uk/kye/levels/

Added: head/games/kye-data/pkg-plist
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/games/kye-data/pkg-plist	Sat Aug  4 22:01:54 2012	(r302036)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+@dirrmtry share/kye
+@dirrmtry share/applications
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Comment 3 Jason Helfman freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2012-08-04 23:02:55 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

New port added, with minor changes. Thanks!