Dateutils 2.x series is out. While 2.0 were incompatible with Python 2.x, the latest 2.1 version of dateutil works on Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2 as well. Features in 2.1: * Ported to Python 3; Compatibility with Python 2.x preserved (with six); * Minor bug fixes; * #704047: Ismael Carnales' patch for a new time format; * New maintainer in project: Tomi Pieviläinen <>; This patch will update devel/py-dateutils to latest version. Maintainer CC'ed.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->nivit Over to maintainer (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
State Changed From-To: open->closed Slightly changed patch version committed, thank you!