This software contains two PERL5 scripts. <DESTDIR> This program uses rsync to mirror the FreeBSD GNATS PR database (ports only) to <DESTDIR>. It sets a 'lock' file in /tmp so that it will not run multiple simultaneous instances. You should probably add 'rm -f /tmp/pr-up-running' to your /etc/rc.local to solve problems that may happen on power loss, or reboot. <DESTDIR> This program parses summary information from the PR files and builds an SQLite3 database for the ports-mgmt/prhistory port. The database file is stored in /var/db/ports/ports-pr.db. Also it creates a file /var/db/ports/lastrun.txt to remember the last update, so it will only operate on new information. If you delete /var/db/ports/lastrun.txt it will cause the script to reparse all PR files and rebuild the /var/db/ports/ports-pr.db file. <DESTDIR> This should be an existing path to store the PR files. (presently requires approximately 1.5GB of storage space). example: > mkdir /b > /b Fix: thanks Patch attached with submission follows:
I'm sorry we never got to this submission in time. I suspect is now OBE.