In Fact, in FreeBSD, when a core with the active "VIMAGE" option, and a rule in pf.conf overload, the freebsd core dump. it is pf_overload_task as you can see on the capture. In fact, in the pf.c the pf_overload_tack not initialize,suddenly the pf_status falls on a NULL value VNET. Seen by swi6_task_queue the td_vnet is not properly initialize I have go a screenshot if you want. How-To-Repeat: Compile a freebsd kernel 10-CURRENT with option VIMAGES In pf.conf add a new rules with overload.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-amd64->freebsd-pf Over to maintainer(s).
Can you still reproduce it on 10.0-RELEASE ?
I remember Martin and Mikolaj worked on this problem. And AFAIR the fix is already in the stable/10 branch. Correct me if I am wrong.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 160496 ***