Bug 182628 - New port: print/cups-lexmark-cs310 CUPS/foomatic driver for Lexmark CS310 series printers
Summary: New port: print/cups-lexmark-cs310 CUPS/foomatic driver for Lexmark CS310 ser...
Status: Closed Overcome By Events
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-ports-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-10-04 10:20 UTC by Kalten
Modified: 2014-08-26 23:56 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:

file.shar (7.39 KB, text/plain)
2013-10-04 10:20 UTC, Kalten
no flags Details
cups-lexmark-cs310_v2.shar (8.55 KB, application/x-shar)
2013-10-04 23:27 UTC, Kalten
no flags Details
file.dat (3 bytes, text/plain)
2013-10-04 23:27 UTC, Kalten
no flags Details
cups-lexmark-cs310_v3.shar (8.69 KB, text/plain)
2013-10-05 16:03 UTC, Kalten
no flags Details
file.dat (3 bytes, text/plain)
2013-10-05 16:03 UTC, Kalten
no flags Details

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Kalten 2013-10-04 10:20:00 UTC
This is for the ``Lexmark CS310 Series'' of colour laser printers.

The port fetches the driver files from Lexmark, and installs them (a little bit
adjusted) into the CUPS and foomatic directories.

I am not sure how to handle the License-Information:
*) It is displayed in the pre-install target but the user is not prompted to
   accept it.
*) ${LICENSE} is not set (I do not know what to choose).
*) ${LICENSE_FILE} is set to that in the original archive---on installation it
   is copied to ${DOCSDIR} together with some read me file.

About ${PKGMESSAGE}: do we really have to cat it in the post-install target or
did I miss something there?

I hope, the rest is OK.

Fix: Patch attached with submission follows:
Comment 1 Kalten 2013-10-04 23:27:06 UTC
Well: I have found out by now, that Lexmark has made an error in its
``fax-pnh-filter'' resulting in not printing, if e.g. the job name
contains some ``/'' or ``"'', as the sed-command breaks. (It really
happens to have such a job name: e.g. printing some html page out of the
browser: the html title is used, and at least some ``/'' is not that

I took the liberty to make it stable (well: I changed those two
characters to others that will not break anything---after all that are
just the names one can see in cups' jobs list (if ``JobPrivateValues''
is changed to ``none'' in cups' configuration file).

Sorry for not realising that problem earlier :-(

I think a new shar to be the best way to proceed---so please do forget
about the old one, and take that one attached to this message here named

Thank you!
Comment 2 Kalten 2013-10-05 16:03:27 UTC
And as nobody has taken it yet, another change: I had used
``${DOCSDIR}'' instead of ``%%PORTDOCS%%%%DOCSDIR%%'' for PLIST_* and
forgotten to try to remove some directories :-(

New shar (v3) in attachment.

Thanks to the one taking care of this ;-)
PS: yes, I am a mess ;-)
Comment 3 John Marino freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-08-07 14:06:29 UTC
Hi, if you are still interested in having this port in FreeBSD, it needs to be reworked to support stage.  
See http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-ports-announce/2014-May/000080.html

Additionally, you need to provide some sort of quality assurance.    
In order of preference, we are looking for:

1) "poudriere testport" or "poudriere bulk -t" logs
2) Redports or tinderbox logs

Please provide an updated shar file and attach a test log.  Alternatively, please indicate if you are no longer interested in having this software in the Ports Collection and that we can close the PR.

Comment 4 John Marino freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-08-24 18:40:31 UTC
I apologize, but after 30 September I'm going to close all *unstaged* "new port" PRs, even if it is through no fault of the submitter.  If you are still interested in getting the port into tree, please provide an updated share and some build verification (poudriere logs, redports logs, or Porter's Handbook[1]).  If you do that, we'll fast-track the port into the tree.  I'm sorry about this.

"make check-plist" followed by "make stage-qa" output  (https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/porters-handbook/porting-testing.html)
Comment 5 John Marino freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-08-26 08:07:48 UTC
Comment on attachment 137212 [details]

convert to text/plain mime type so we can view it on web.
Comment 6 John Marino freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-08-26 08:10:27 UTC
This is in the new shar:

"XNO_STAGE=	yes"

That means it's unstaged.  
There are also no testlogs (which would have immediately failed if you tried to test this)

Is what I'm requesting unclear?
Comment 7 Kalten 2014-08-26 21:23:15 UTC
(In reply to John Marino from comment #6)
> This is in the new shar:
> "XNO_STAGE=	yes"

No, cups-lexmark-cs310_v3.shar (attachment 137212 [details]) is not new at all, it is the old one: it is from 2013 as stated at https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=182628 in section “Attachments”.
I am working on the new one.

I fear, I did confuse people by marking obsolete attachments as such and setting the right mime type.

The latter led to a mail by Bugzilla containing:
>            What    |Removed                     |Added
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Attachment #137212 [details]|text/plain                  |application/x-shar
>           mime type|                            |

which seems to have confused you: it simply states, that the mime type of the already existing attachment has been changed from “text/plain” to “application/x-shar” (which is the correct one). Later on you have changed the mime type back “[…] so we can view it on web”. (which led to another mail extremely similar to the first one, only with changed roles of “Removed” and “Added”).

> That means it's unstaged.  
> There are also no testlogs (which would have immediately failed if you tried
> to test this)
Well as written above: it is still the old one.

> Is what I'm requesting unclear?
No, I hope not.

I will upload the logs for a new shar (v4) shortly.
For better reading of the logs, it will not be a tar archive with all logs (different options set to test whether plist works) at once, but three separate ones (I can not upload multiple attachments in one go, so sorry in advance for that many “comments” (as Bugzilla seems to call them)).

So: please stand by ;-)

Comment 8 John Marino freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-08-26 21:47:21 UTC
(In reply to Kalten from comment #7)
> which seems to have confused you: it simply states, that the mime type of
> the already existing attachment has been changed from “text/plain” to
> “application/x-shar” (which is the correct one). 

Please always set mime to text/plain.  Trust me, text/plain is the correct one.

> I will upload the logs for a new shar (v4) shortly.
> For better reading of the logs, it will not be a tar archive with all logs
> (different options set to test whether plist works) at once, but three
> separate ones (I can not upload multiple attachments in one go, so sorry in
> advance for that many “comments” (as Bugzilla seems to call them)).

Multiple attachments, one at a time, is fine.
Comment 9 Kalten 2014-08-26 23:56:22 UTC
I don’t believe it—well. Now that I am ready with all changes and logs (not loaded up yet) I have found out something.
If I am not very much mistaken, a driver for “Lexmark CS310” has been include in print/foomatic-db/ by now and it seems to work.

Because of that I am closing this PR.
Should problems occur that will lead me to using my port again, I shall reopen this PR—but I seriously doubt it. ;-)

Thank you very much for your patience, John!  And sorry for this mess.
