Bug 185596 - [bce] in_cksum_skip: out of data by 41310 in 8.4
Summary: [bce] in_cksum_skip: out of data by 41310 in 8.4
Status: Closed Overcome By Events
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: kern (show other bugs)
Version: Unspecified
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-net (Nobody)
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Reported: 2014-01-09 06:30 UTC by Jens Kassel
Modified: 2018-05-28 21:57 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Jens Kassel 2014-01-09 06:30:00 UTC

We sometimes see messages like this in dmesg and /var/log/messages

in_cksum_skip: out of data by 15810
in_cksum_skip: out of data by 15810
in_cksum_skip: out of data by 15810
in_cksum_skip: out of data by 15810
in_cksum_skip: out of data by 41310

I have checked with tcpdump and these messages seems to be triggered
when receiving "ICMP destination unreachable" packets.

Is this a known issue in this release?


Jens Kassel

How-To-Repeat: "ICMP destination unreachable" packets sometimes trigger this issue but
not always.
Comment 1 Gleb Smirnoff freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-01-09 10:16:06 UTC
My guessing is that this messages comes off when a packet in wrong byte order
enters in_cksum().

Starting with 10.0, our stack doesn't change byte order of IP packets, so
if my guessing is right, the bug should vanish.

We do not plan any more releases from stable/8 branch. Thus, I'd like
to close the PR if you don't mind.

Totus tuus, Glebius.
Comment 2 Jens Kassel 2014-01-14 08:01:59 UTC

I have not tested this on FreeBSD 10.

But I found that the problem can only be reproduced when using the bce driver.
Tested with both re & bge drivers and with these the problem cannot be

Checked SVN history for bce but could not find any commit that seemed to be
related to this issue.


Comment 3 Gleb Smirnoff freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-01-14 18:58:29 UTC
If memory serves me well, that were panics with bce(4) and wrong byte order,
that urged me to make byte order stable throughout the network stack. However,
we didn't find any special in the driver itself after all. It might have a bug,
but it also might just exposed a bug in the stack.

Totus tuus, Glebius.
Comment 4 Eitan Adler freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2018-05-28 19:44:41 UTC
batch change:

For bugs that match the following
-  Status Is In progress 
- Untouched since 2018-01-01.
- Affects Base System OR Documentation


Reset to open status.

I did a quick pass but if you are getting this email it might be worthwhile to double check to see if this bug ought to be closed.
Comment 5 Eugene Grosbein freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2018-05-28 21:57:58 UTC
Believed to be fixed in all supported branches.