This shar archive contains (currently missing) ports for qt4 private development headers and Qt4 declarative plugins. The following ports are created under devel/: qt4-private qt4-private-opengl qt4-declarative-gestures qt4-declarative-shaders qt4-declarative-particles qt4-declarative-folderlistmodel These directories are the common parts of the corresponding port groups: qt4-private-common qt4-declarative-common The relationship between those two groups (qt4-private-* and qt4-declarative-*) is that two declarative plugins require qt4-private as build dependency, and all of them were missing from the ports tree. These ports make declarative demos included into Qt4 distribution work. Linux Debian package repository has corresponding packages for all of them. Tested with qt version 4.8.5 Minor patch into /usr/ports/Mk is also required, I will submit it separately once this PR is in the system. Fix: Patch attached with submission follows:
Additional patch to /usr/ports/Mk
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->kde Over to KDE team
Any chance for these submissions to be updated to latest QT version and split into separate PR's for each port?
Yuri, do you need these ports for something specific, or do you only want the for completeness sake. If it is only for completeness, I would suggest we leave it be, as Qt4 is eol. mfg Tobias