wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 0 wlan0: 0: 00:18:e7:de:af:6c ssid='PAVAN_2_4G' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11 level=-32 wps selected based on WPS IE (Active PBC) wlan0: selected BSS 00:18:e7:de:af:6c ssid='PAVAN_2_4G' WPS: Check whether PBC session overlap is present in scan results; selected BSSID 00:18:e7:de:af:6c WPS: UUID of the selected BSS - hexdump(len=16): b1 4e 00 3a ce 92 3d 50 9d 95 f9 dd 69 ce ed ab wlan0: Request association: reassociate: 1 selected: 00:18:e7:de:af:6c bssid: 00:00:00:00:00:00 pending: 00:00:00:00:00:00 wpa_state: SCANNING wlan0: Trying to associate with 00:18:e7:de:af:6c (SSID='PAVAN_2_4G' freq=2447 MHz) CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=20): 2f 74 6d 70 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c 5f 39 35 39 2d 32 00 CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=20): 2f 74 6d 70 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c 5f 38 33 30 2d 32 00 wlan0: Cancelling scan request wlan0: WPA: clearing own WPA/RSN IE wlan0: Automatic auth_alg selection: 0x1 WPA: Set WPS IE Device PWD 1 WPS: Building WPS IE for (Re)Association Request WPS: * Version (hardcoded 0x10) WPS: * Request Type WPS: * Device Password ID (4) wlan0: WPA: clearing AP WPA IE wlan0: WPA: clearing AP RSN IE wlan0: WPA: clearing own WPA/RSN IE wlan0: No keys have been configured - skip key clearing wlan0: State: SCANNING -> ASSOCIATING wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate: operstate 0->0 (DORMANT) netlink: Operstate: linkmode=-1, operstate=5 Limit connection to BSSID 00:18:e7:de:af:6c freq=2447 MHz based on scan results (bssid_set=0) wpa_driver_wext_associate wpa_driver_wext_set_drop_unencrypted wpa_driver_wext_set_psk wlan0: Setting authentication timeout: 10 sec 0 usec EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=0 EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized EAPOL: External notification - EAP fail=0 EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized EAPOL: External notification - portControl=Auto EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP]) Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=8 RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP]) Wireless event: cmd=0x8b06 len=8 RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP]) 122918978-------> >-- 228*10 sec --< Wireless event: cmd=0x8b04 len=12 RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP]) Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=18 RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP]) Wireless event: cmd=0x8c02 len=22 RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP]) Wireless event: cmd=0x8c02 len=22 wlan0: Authentication with 00:18:e7:de:af:6c timed out. CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=20): 2f 74 6d 70 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c 5f 39 35 39 2d 32 00 CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=20): 2f 74 6d 70 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c 5f 38 33 30 2d 32 00 Added BSSID 00:18:e7:de:af:6c into blacklist wlan0: No keys have been configured - skip key clearing wlan0: State: ASSOCIATING -> DISCONNECTED wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate: operstate 0->0 (DORMANT) netlink: Operstate: linkmode=-1, operstate=5 EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0 EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0 EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized wlan0: Setting scan request: 1 sec 0 usec 122929018-------> >-- 229*10 sec --< wlan0: State: DISCONNECTED -> SCANNING wlan0: Starting AP scan for wildcard SSID WPS: Building WPS IE for Probe Request WPS: * Version (hardcoded 0x10) WPS: * Request Type WPS: * Config Methods (108) WPS: * UUID-E WPS: * Primary Device Type WPS: * RF Bands (3) WPS: * Association State WPS: * Configuration Error (0) WPS: * Device Password ID (4) Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
For bugs matching the following criteria: Status: In Progress Changed: (is less than) 2014-06-01 Reset to default assignee and clear in-progress tags. Mail being skipped
The mAC isn't identified, the version isn't identified. There's not enough info here. Closing. Please re-create if this issue is still happening (though 10 years of improvements to the wifi stack means it likely isn't).