Please see for details. $ /usr/bin/unzip Archive: unzip: skipping non-regular entry '' unzip: skipping non-regular entry 'A B C D.pdf' archivers/unzip manages this case though... $ /usr/local/bin/unzip Archive: warning: stripped absolute path spec from / mapname: conversion of failed inflating: A B C D.pdf How-To-Repeat: unzip a *.zip from (download directory as zipped archive)
I have also seen this behaviour on FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE-p7 with and; distfiles for proposed ports submitted in bug 192012.
Some time ago I checked out the bug and tried to contact the author, but did not get response...maybe he did not get is a copy of the mail... --- Hello des, I contact you because you are the main author of the /usr/src/usr.bin/unzip utility if I got it correct. Well I took a glimpse into this PR bin/187315 and could need some advice. unzip(1) uses libarchive(3) for working with the archives. To determine the filetype, there is a function called "archive_entry_filetype()" in libarchive. As this function uses the file acl.mode as input, it fails if an entry has no file mode and returns a filetype of 0x0. As the implementation of unzip expects to get a filetype of either a regular file or a directory, it checks for that. And so that sanity check for S_ISREG and S_ISDIR fails and the program skips the entry. unzip.c /* I don't think this can happen in a zipfile.. */ if (!S_ISDIR(filetype) && !S_ISREG(filetype)) { warningx("skipping non-regular entry '%s'", pathname); ac(archive_read_data_skip(a)); free(pathname); return; } The cause of this may be that dropbox creates the zipfile for you on-the-fly. That means streaming it out of a database directly into a zipfile. In this special circumstance, where there is no file and the file comes from stdin, it is allowed by ZIP file archive standard to keep the external file attribute 0x0. (see [1] 4.4.15 external file attributes). As I understand it, the libarchive code uses this field for filetype check. I think that is what happens here (at least in the dropbox-file the filetype is returned zero for all files and directories). I can reproduce the error like that: $ echo "testtext" | python -c "import sys import zipfile z = zipfile.ZipFile(sys.argv[1],'w') z.writestr(sys.argv[2], z.close() " testfile1 $ unzip -l Archive: Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 9 03-16-14 00:47 testfile1 $ unzip Archive: unzip: skipping non-regular entry 'testfile1' $ /usr/local/bin/unzip Archive: extracting: testfile1 $ cat testfile1 testtext $ for a correct file zipinfo shows (example): Unix file attributes (100744 octal): -rwxr--r-- Unix file attributes (040744 octal): drwxr--r-- for dropbox or above example: Unix file attributes (000600 octal): ?rw------- recognize the questionmark where filetype should be (=0x00). The extraction seems to work correctly if we remove that sanity check for S_ISDIR and S_ISREG. But as the program uses the information for program flow that may be a problem. As more and more archives are generated on the fly, maybe that issue will get more serious. Maybe you can give me a hint if it's okay to remove that sanity check or if you want to keep it. [1]
I am suffering from this same bug when trying to extract an application archive that was created using the Scala sbt-native-packager: This is not surprising, since sbt-native-packager apparently compiles and archives an application's files without intermediately saving those files to disk. The unzip on Debian Linux uncompresses said archive successfully. I would be eager to learn of a workaround. Although tar claims to be extracting this archive, the resulting files are corrupt, invoking tar either with or without the -z option.
I just ran into this with zip files from Dropbox on 10.2-RELEASE-p2. archivers/unzip works for me with no warnings.
This is an issue in libarchive, see
Seems like I cannot reproduce this issue any longer, on head.
I can unzip on 11.1-STABLE #0 r324952 too.