It has been suggested to me that if and when fsck(8) is invoked _without_ any explicitly provided -t or -T options, fsck will, in such cases, attempt to intuit the type of the filesystem on its own, perhaps based upon information/clues gleened from the local /etc/fstab file and/or from some relevant BSD disk label. If true, then this behavior does not appear to be documented at all within the fsck(8) manpage. This is an important aspect of the behavior of fsck(8). If verified, then it should be documented in the manpage. Fix: Sorry, I do not have any suggested replacement text for the relevant manpage at this time. How-To-Repeat: man 8 fsck
Author: trhodes Date: Fri May 23 14:32:57 2014 New Revision: 266586 URL: Log: If called without -T or -t, fsck attempts to detect the file system type. If this fails, fsck will fail with "unknown file system type" message. PR: 188214 Modified: head/sbin/fsck/fsck.8 Modified: head/sbin/fsck/fsck.8 ============================================================================== --- head/sbin/fsck/fsck.8 Fri May 23 11:56:32 2014 (r266585) +++ head/sbin/fsck/fsck.8 Fri May 23 14:32:57 2014 (r266586) @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ .\" .\" $FreeBSD$ .\" -.Dd January 25, 2009 +.Dd May 23, 2014 .Dt FSCK 8 .Os .Sh NAME @@ -111,6 +111,18 @@ The disk drive containing each file syst of the device name that ends in a digit; the remaining characters are assumed to be the partition and slice designators. .Pp +If the +.Fl t +or +.Fl T +flags are not specified, +.Nm +will attempt to determine the file system type and call the +appropriated file system check utility. +Failure to detect the file system type will cause +.Nm +to fail with a message that the partition has an unknown file system type. +.Pp The options are as follows: .Bl -tag -width indent .It Fl C _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
I have not checked the code to be sure, but from general usage I have noticed that fsck(8) doesn't actually try to detect, or 'taste' the partition, but only looks at /etc/fstab and if the type is not specified, then returns the error. Suggesting that it 'attempts to detect' may give the wrong impression. Someone would have to look at the source of fsck(8) to be sure. -- Allan Jude
----- Forwarded message from Tom Rhodes <> ----- Date: Sat, 24 May 2014 12:32:04 -0400 From: Tom Rhodes <> To: Allan Jude <> Cc: Subject: Re: docs/188214: Manpage for fsck(8) doesn't say what happens when no -t or -T X-Mailer: Sylpheed version 1.0.6 (GTK+ 1.2.10; x86_64-unknown-freebsd9.2) > Suggesting that it 'attempts to detect' may give the wrong impression. > Someone would have to look at the source of fsck(8) to be sure. So, in theory, an attempt to parse /etc/fstab would be an attempt to detect the type; however, my quick glance at the code showed no real parsing of fstab. But in my case, I followed to both the T and t flags, and just glanced at what was done would they not be specified. That was really as far as I got, and I attempted to use very generic language in case it only does one, or the other, or both. :) Reasonable? -- Tom Rhodes _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "" ----- End forwarded message -----
On Sat, 24 May 2014, Tom Rhodes wrote: > So, in theory, an attempt to parse /etc/fstab would be > an attempt to detect the type; however, my quick glance > at the code showed no real parsing of fstab. But in > my case, I followed to both the T and t flags, and just > glanced at what was done would they not be specified. > That was really as far as I got, and I attempted to use > very generic language in case it only does one, or the > other, or both. :) When passed no device or path arguments, fsck just checks everything from the fstab; that's not very interesting for this question. Given a path argument and no type argument to use, fstab is parsed using getfsfile() or getfsspec() around line 204 of fsck.c. This will fail (well, barring special circumstances) if the argument is instead a device name. Given a device name argument and no type argument to use, after the fstab check above, fsck opens the device and uses ioctl() to get the disklabel and does some magic to grab the fstype from it. (See getfslab(), in fsck.c) So, I think there is a fair bit of autodetection that is attempted. -Ben
Hi Benjamin, On Sat, 24 May 2014 17:42:47 -0400 (EDT) Benjamin Kaduk <> wrote: > On Sat, 24 May 2014, Tom Rhodes wrote: > > > So, in theory, an attempt to parse /etc/fstab would be > > an attempt to detect the type; however, my quick glance > > at the code showed no real parsing of fstab. But in > > my case, I followed to both the T and t flags, and just > > glanced at what was done would they not be specified. > > That was really as far as I got, and I attempted to use > > very generic language in case it only does one, or the > > other, or both. :) > > When passed no device or path arguments, fsck just checks everything from > the fstab; that's not very interesting for this question. > > Given a path argument and no type argument to use, fstab is parsed using > getfsfile() or getfsspec() around line 204 of fsck.c. This will fail > (well, barring special circumstances) if the argument is instead a device > name. > > Given a device name argument and no type argument to use, after the fstab > check above, fsck opens the device and uses ioctl() to get the disklabel > and does some magic to grab the fstype from it. (See getfslab(), in > fsck.c) > > > So, I think there is a fair bit of autodetection that is attempted. Thanks for the deep dive - I was going to revisit this later (i.e.: actually step through the code more) if there was a real issue. Thanks for saving me the time! :) -- Tom Rhodes
Tom: Is this resolved now?
A commit references this bug: Author: sevan Date: Thu Mar 30 02:37:38 UTC 2017 New revision: 316207 URL: Log: MFC r266586 If called without -T or -t, fsck attempts to detect the file system type. If this fails, fsck will fail with "unknown file system type" message. PR: 188214 Changes: _U stable/10/ stable/10/sbin/fsck/fsck.8