As can be seen in there's a expected order of categories. portlint should try to check and report this.
portlint -A does it already
If portlint -A does this, what's wrong here ? # grep CATEG Makefile CATEGORIES= databases math graphics # portlint -A looks fine. # pwd /usr/home/pi/myp/math/pdal Ah: this only works if we're in /usr/ports/! Thanks!
TODO-pi: patch for portlint that guesses if outside /usr/ports
I think this one is forgotten to be closed.
portlint still does not flag the wrong sequence of categories if we're running it outside /usr/ports. That's why it's still open.
(In reply to Kurt Jaeger from comment #5) While portlint still exhibits this behavior, checks CATEGORIES nowadays which makes the portlint check kind of pointless. Maybe this bug can be closed now. $ grep CATEGORIES math/pdal/Makefile CATEGORIES= databases math graphics $ make -C math/pdal check-sanity /!\ pdal-2.0.1: Makefile errors /!\ The first entry in CATEGORIES should be the directory where the port lives *** Error code 1