Some updates for the X11 desktop LXDE (x11/lxde-meta) x11/menu-cache: 0.5.1_2 -> 0.6.0 x11-wx/lxsession: -> CC'd maintaner. Also, there are some components listed on the SF site that don't appear in ports. Perhaps some of these are deprecated or included within other ports but I will mention them here: lxnm: Network manager for LXDE (probably included in x11/lxpanel). lxsession-edit: Manage desktop session autostarts. lxpolkit: PolicyKit authentication agent. lxdm: GUI login manager for LXDE. lxappearance-obconf: OpenBox Window Manager configuration tool (Looks like it may be the same as x11-wm/obconf but version is different. Perhaps is reworked for LXDE or is included in x11/lxde-common?).
Oh, lxsession-edit & lxpolkit are probably included in x11/lxde-common, but not sure.
Jordan, did you forget to add the attachment?
Should there be an attachment for update notifications? I didn't see anything about it in the guidelines: Also, I was only assuming that reporting port updates to the bugs was okay because I have seen others doing it.
Not, this is not ok and it's against policy now. Bugzilla is not to be used for "hey, there's a new version available". If you have seen this in the past, it was either in GNATs or the PR was closed quickly.
if it's a CVE security vulnerability fix, that's okay. Regular version updates, no.
alright, in any even the maintainer hss definitely seen this now, so closing the PR.