Bug 192670 - pkg upgrade sometimes shows wrong count of packages in progress
Summary: pkg upgrade sometimes shows wrong count of packages in progress
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-pkg (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-08-15 02:58 UTC by Adam McDougall
Modified: 2015-04-03 17:05 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Adam McDougall 2014-08-15 02:58:46 UTC
Minor cosmetic issue.  This may be related to decisions the solver makes, but I've seen where the ending count of packages upgraded is at least one off from the total expected, either above or below.  For example I just upgraded my packages and it ended with [39/38]:

root@colfax:~ # pkg upgrade
Updating repository catalogue
Fetching meta.txz: 100% of 260 B                                                                  
Fetching digests.txz: 100% of 125 KB                                                             
Fetching packagesite.txz: 100% of 346 KB                                                         
Removing expired entries: 100%
Adding new entries: 100%
Incremental update completed, 1445 packages processed:
1415 packages updated, 1 removed and 30 added.
New version of pkg detected; it needs to be installed first.
The following 1 packages will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
	pkg: -> 1.3.6

The process will require 314 KB more space
2 MB to be downloaded

Proceed with this action [y/N]: y
Fetching pkg-1.3.6.txz: 100% of 2 MB                                                               
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/1] Upgrading pkg from to 1.3.6: 100%
Updating repository catalogue
pkg-egr repository is up-to-date
All repositories are up-to-date
Checking for upgrades: 100%
The following 38 packages will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
	libcdio-paranoia: 10.2+0.90+1_1
	openssl: 1.0.1_15
	re2: 20140304
	jsoncpp: 0.6.0.r2
	speex: 1.2.r1_7,1
	flac: 1.3.0_2
	snappy: 1.1.1_1
	minizip: 1.2.8_1
	speech-dispatcher: 0.8_1
	dotconf: 1.3_1
	libsndfile: 1.0.25_4
	libvdpau: 0.8
	jansson: 2.6_1

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
	wireshark: 1.10.8_2 -> 1.12.0_1
	hal: 0.5.14_26 -> 0.5.14_27
	libgcrypt: 1.6.1_2 -> 1.6.1_3
	python27: 2.7.8_2 -> 2.7.8_3
	py27-setuptools27: 5.4.1 -> 5.5.1
	trousers-tddl: 0.3.10_6 -> 0.3.10_7
	libgnome-keyring: 2.32.0_8 -> 2.32.0_9
	pciids: 20140718 -> 20140810
	chromium: 35.0.1916.153_2 -> 36.0.1985.143
	samba36-libsmbclient: 3.6.24_1 -> 3.6.24_2
	libaudiofile: 0.3.6 -> 0.3.6_1
	gvfs: 1.12.3_4 -> 1.12.3_5
	libcdio: 0.83_2 -> 0.92
	alsa-plugins: 1.0.27_3 -> 1.0.28
	alsa-lib: -> 1.0.28
	webp: 0.4.0 -> 0.4.1
	nvidia-settings: 310.14 -> 340.24
	nvidia-driver: 331.67 -> 340.24
	gnupg: 2.0.25_1 -> 2.0.26
	boehm-gc: 7.4.2 -> 7.4.2_1
	lftp: 4.5.3_1 -> 4.5.4
	GeoIP: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.0_2

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
	gedit-2.30.4_4 (options changed)
	talloc-2.1.0 (options changed)
	tdb-1.2.13,1 (options changed)

The process will require 27 MB more space
80 MB to be downloaded

Proceed with this action [y/N]: y
Fetching wireshark-1.12.0_1.txz: 100% of 14 MB                                                    
Fetching hal-0.5.14_27.txz: 100% of 257 KB                                                       
Fetching libgcrypt-1.6.1_3.txz: 100% of 441 KB                                                   
Fetching python27-2.7.8_3.txz: 100% of 9 MB                                                        
Fetching py27-setuptools27-5.5.1.txz: 100% of 286 KB                                             
Fetching trousers-tddl-0.3.10_7.txz: 100% of 432 KB                                              
Fetching libgnome-keyring-2.32.0_9.txz: 100% of 88 KB                                             
Fetching pciids-20140810.txz: 100% of 182 KB                                                     
Fetching chromium-36.0.1985.143.txz: 100% of 28 MB                                                
Fetching gedit-2.30.4_4.txz: 100% of 3 MB                                                          
Fetching samba36-libsmbclient-3.6.24_2.txz: 100% of 3 MB                                           
Fetching talloc-2.1.0.txz: 100% of 48 KB                                                          
Fetching libaudiofile-0.3.6_1.txz: 100% of 169 KB                                                
Fetching gvfs-1.12.3_5.txz: 100% of 992 KB                                                       
Fetching libcdio-0.92.txz: 100% of 307 KB                                                        
Fetching libcdio-paranoia-10.2+0.90+1_1.txz: 100% of 72 KB                                        
Fetching tdb-1.2.13,1.txz: 100% of 77 KB                                                          
Fetching openssl-1.0.1_15.txz: 100% of 3 MB                                                        
Fetching alsa-plugins-1.0.28.txz: 100% of 33 KB                                                   
Fetching alsa-lib-1.0.28.txz: 100% of 381 KB                                                     
Fetching webp-0.4.1.txz: 100% of 286 KB                                                          
Fetching re2-20140304.txz: 100% of 199 KB                                                        
Fetching jsoncpp-0.6.0.r2.txz: 100% of 105 KB                                                    
Fetching speex-1.2.r1_7,1.txz: 100% of 147 KB                                                    
Fetching flac-1.3.0_2.txz: 100% of 694 KB                                                        
Fetching snappy-1.1.1_1.txz: 100% of 52 KB                                                        
Fetching minizip-1.2.8_1.txz: 100% of 41 KB                                                       
Fetching speech-dispatcher-0.8_1.txz: 100% of 315 KB                                             
Fetching dotconf-1.3_1.txz: 100% of 44 KB                                                         
Fetching libsndfile-1.0.25_4.txz: 100% of 360 KB                                                 
Fetching nvidia-settings-340.24.txz: 100% of 685 KB                                              
Fetching libvdpau-0.8.txz: 100% of 50 KB                                                          
Fetching jansson-2.6_1.txz: 100% of 36 KB                                                         
Fetching nvidia-driver-340.24.txz: 100% of 13 MB                                                  
Fetching gnupg-2.0.26.txz: 100% of 1 MB                                                            
Fetching boehm-gc-7.4.2_1.txz: 100% of 194 KB                                                    
Fetching lftp-4.5.4.txz: 100% of 741 KB                                                          
Fetching GeoIP-1.6.0_2.txz: 100% of 107 KB                                                       
Checking integrity... done (1 conflicting)
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Conflicts with the existing packages have been found.
One more solver iteration is needed to resolve them.
The following 38 packages will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
	flac: 1.3.0_2
	dotconf: 1.3_1
	libsndfile: 1.0.25_4
	libcdio-paranoia: 10.2+0.90+1_1
	openssl: 1.0.1_15
	re2: 20140304
	jsoncpp: 0.6.0.r2
	speex: 1.2.r1_7,1
	snappy: 1.1.1_1
	minizip: 1.2.8_1
	speech-dispatcher: 0.8_1
	libvdpau: 0.8
	jansson: 2.6_1

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
	python27: 2.7.8_2 -> 2.7.8_3
	libgcrypt: 1.6.1_2 -> 1.6.1_3
	py27-setuptools27: 5.4.1 -> 5.5.1
	trousers-tddl: 0.3.10_6 -> 0.3.10_7
	pciids: 20140718 -> 20140810
	hal: 0.5.14_26 -> 0.5.14_27
	libgnome-keyring: 2.32.0_8 -> 2.32.0_9
	libcdio: 0.83_2 -> 0.92
	alsa-lib: -> 1.0.28
	samba36-libsmbclient: 3.6.24_1 -> 3.6.24_2
	alsa-plugins: 1.0.27_3 -> 1.0.28
	webp: 0.4.0 -> 0.4.1
	GeoIP: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.0_2
	wireshark: 1.10.8_2 -> 1.12.0_1
	chromium: 35.0.1916.153_2 -> 36.0.1985.143
	libaudiofile: 0.3.6 -> 0.3.6_1
	gvfs: 1.12.3_4 -> 1.12.3_5
	nvidia-settings: 310.14 -> 340.24
	nvidia-driver: 331.67 -> 340.24
	gnupg: 2.0.25_1 -> 2.0.26
	boehm-gc: 7.4.2 -> 7.4.2_1
	lftp: 4.5.3_1 -> 4.5.4

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
	talloc-2.1.0 (options changed)
	tdb-1.2.13,1 (options changed)
	gedit-2.30.4_4 (options changed)

The process will require 27 MB more space

Proceed with this action [y/N]: y
[1/38] Upgrading python27 from 2.7.8_2 to 2.7.8_3: 100%
[2/38] Upgrading libgcrypt from 1.6.1_2 to 1.6.1_3: 100%
[3/38] Upgrading pciids from 20140718 to 20140810: 100%
[4/38] Reinstalling talloc-2.1.0: 100%
[5/38] Installing flac-1.3.0_2: 100%
==> You should manually remove the "haldaemon" user. 
[WARN 38879] Cannot lookup information for pid 38878: No such file or directory
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'haldaemon'.
Using existing user 'haldaemon'.
[6/38] Upgrading hal from 0.5.14_26 to 0.5.14_27: 100%
[WARN 38907] Cannot lookup information for pid 38903: No such file or directory
[7/38] Upgrading libgnome-keyring from 2.32.0_8 to 2.32.0_9: 100%
[8/38] Upgrading libcdio from 0.83_2 to 0.92: 100%
[9/38] Reinstalling tdb-1.2.13,1: 100%
[10/38] Upgrading alsa-lib from to 1.0.28: 100%
[11/38] Installing dotconf-1.3_1: 100%
[12/38] Installing libsndfile-1.0.25_4: 100%
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 0%
pkg: /usr/local/bin/cd-drive fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 1%
pkg: /usr/local/bin/cd-info fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 2%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/bin/cd-paranoia: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 3%
pkg: /usr/local/bin/cd-read fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 4%
pkg: /usr/local/bin/cdda-player fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 5%
pkg: /usr/local/bin/iso-info fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 6%
pkg: /usr/local/bin/iso-read fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 7%
pkg: /usr/local/bin/mmc-tool fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 8%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio++/cdio.hpp fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 9%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio++/cdtext.hpp fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 10%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio++/device.hpp fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 11%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio++/devices.hpp fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 12%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio++/disc.hpp fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 14%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio++/iso9660.hpp fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 17%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio++/track.hpp fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 18%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/audio.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 19%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/bytesex.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 20%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/bytesex_asm.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 21%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/cd_types.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 22%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/include/cdio/cdda.h: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 23%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/cdio.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 24%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/cdio_config.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 25%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/include/cdio/cdio_unconfig.h: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 26%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/cdtext.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 27%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/device.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 28%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/disc.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 29%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/ds.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 30%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/dvd.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 31%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/ecma_167.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 32%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/iso9660.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 33%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/logging.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 34%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/mmc.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 35%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/mmc_cmds.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 36%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/mmc_hl_cmds.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 37%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/mmc_ll_cmds.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 38%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/mmc_util.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 39%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/include/cdio/paranoia.h: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 40%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/posix.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 41%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/read.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 42%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/rock.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 43%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/sector.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 44%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/track.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 45%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/types.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 46%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/udf.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 48%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/udf_time.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 49%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/utf8.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 50%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/util.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 51%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/version.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 52%
pkg: /usr/local/include/cdio/xa.h fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 53%
pkg: /usr/local/info/libcdio.info fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 54%
pkg: /usr/local/lib/libcdio++.a fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 55%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libcdio++.la: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 57%
pkg: /usr/local/lib/libcdio++.so.0 fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 58%
pkg: /usr/local/lib/libcdio.a fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 59%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libcdio.la: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 61%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libcdio.so.13: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 62%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libcdio_cdda.a: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 63%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libcdio_cdda.la: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 64%
pkg: unlink(/usr/local/lib/libcdio_cdda.so): No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 65%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libcdio_cdda.so.1: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 66%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libcdio_paranoia.a: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 67%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libcdio_paranoia.la: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 68%
pkg: unlink(/usr/local/lib/libcdio_paranoia.so): No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 69%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libcdio_paranoia.so.1: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 70%
pkg: /usr/local/lib/libiso9660++.a fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 71%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libiso9660++.la: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 73%
pkg: /usr/local/lib/libiso9660++.so.0 fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 74%
pkg: /usr/local/lib/libiso9660.a fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 75%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libiso9660.la: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 77%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libiso9660.so.8: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 78%
pkg: /usr/local/lib/libudf.a fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 79%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/lib/libudf.la: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 81%
pkg: /usr/local/lib/libudf.so.0 fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 82%
pkg: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/libcdio++.pc fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 83%
pkg: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/libcdio.pc fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 84%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/libcdio_cdda.pc: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 85%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/libcdio_paranoia.pc: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 86%
pkg: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/libiso9660++.pc fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 87%
pkg: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/libiso9660.pc fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 88%
pkg: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/libudf.pc fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 89%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/man/ja/man1/cd-paranoia.1.gz: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 90%
pkg: /usr/local/man/man1/cd-drive.1.gz fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 91%
pkg: /usr/local/man/man1/cd-info.1.gz fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 92%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/man/man1/cd-paranoia.1.gz: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 93%
pkg: /usr/local/man/man1/cd-read.1.gz fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 94%
pkg: /usr/local/man/man1/iso-info.1.gz fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 95%
pkg: /usr/local/man/man1/iso-read.1.gz fails original SHA256 checksum, not removing
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 96%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/share/licenses/libcdio-0.83_2/GPLv3: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 97%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/share/licenses/libcdio-0.83_2/LICENSE: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 98%
pkg: cannot stat /usr/local/share/licenses/libcdio-0.83_2/catalog.mk: No such file or directory
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 100%
pkg: rmdir(/usr/local/share/licenses/libcdio-0.83_2/): No such file or directory
pkg: rmdir(/usr/local/include/cdio/): Directory not empty
pkg: rmdir(/usr/local/include/cdio++/): Directory not empty
[14/38] Upgrading samba36-libsmbclient from 3.6.24_1 to 3.6.24_2: 100%
[15/38] Installing libcdio-paranoia-10.2+0.90+1_1: 100%
[16/38] Installing openssl-1.0.1_15: 100%
[17/38] Upgrading alsa-plugins from 1.0.27_3 to 1.0.28: 100%
[18/38] Upgrading webp from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1: 100%
[19/38] Installing re2-20140304: 100%
[20/38] Installing jsoncpp-0.6.0.r2: 100%
[21/38] Installing speex-1.2.r1_7,1: 100%
[22/38] Installing snappy-1.1.1_1: 100%
[23/38] Installing minizip-1.2.8_1: 100%
[24/38] Installing speech-dispatcher-0.8_1: 100%
[25/38] Installing libvdpau-0.8: 100%
[26/38] Installing jansson-2.6_1: 100%
[27/38] Upgrading GeoIP from 1.6.0 to 1.6.0_2: 100%
[28/38] Upgrading py27-setuptools27 from 5.4.1 to 5.5.1: 100%
==> You should manually remove the "_tss" user. 
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group '_tss'.
Using existing user '_tss'.
[29/38] Upgrading trousers-tddl from 0.3.10_6 to 0.3.10_7: 100%
[30/38] Upgrading wireshark from 1.10.8_2 to 1.12.0_1: 100%
[31/38] Upgrading chromium from 35.0.1916.153_2 to 36.0.1985.143: 100%
[32/38] Reinstalling gedit-2.30.4_4: 100%
Warning in file "/usr/local/share/applications/gnumeric.desktop": usage of MIME type "zz-application/zz-winassoc-xls" is discouraged ("zz-application/zz-winassoc-xls" should be replaced with "application/vnd.ms-excel")
[33/38] Upgrading libaudiofile from 0.3.6 to 0.3.6_1: 100%
[34/38] Upgrading gvfs from 1.12.3_4 to 1.12.3_5: 100%
[35/38] Upgrading nvidia-settings from 310.14 to 340.24: 100%
[36/38] Upgrading nvidia-driver from 331.67 to 340.24: 100%
[37/38] Upgrading gnupg from 2.0.25_1 to 2.0.26: 100%
[38/38] Upgrading boehm-gc from 7.4.2 to 7.4.2_1: 100%
[39/38] Upgrading lftp from 4.5.3_1 to 4.5.4: 100%
Comment 1 John Marino freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-08-15 06:16:42 UTC
over to maintainer group
Comment 2 Bryan Drewery freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-08-22 18:47:57 UTC
The problem is much weirder..

[8/38] Upgrading libcdio from 0.83_2 to 0.92: 100%
[13/38] Deleting libcdio-0.83_2: 0%
Comment 3 Bryan Drewery freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-08-23 16:20:00 UTC
Also logged here https://github.com/freebsd/pkg/issues/980
Comment 4 Adam McDougall 2015-04-02 23:38:44 UTC
I have not seen this symptom in a while.  It appears to be fixed, especially according to https://github.com/freebsd/pkg/issues/980

marking closed, fixed
Comment 5 Bryan Drewery freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-04-03 17:04:02 UTC
(In reply to mcdouga9 from comment #4)
> I have not seen this symptom in a while.  It appears to be fixed, especially
> according to https://github.com/freebsd/pkg/issues/980
> marking closed, fixed

I ran into this just days ago and it's being tracked at https://github.com/freebsd/pkg/issues/1211
Comment 6 Bryan Drewery freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-04-03 17:05:29 UTC
I did just close that bug for now though.