Another port hit by the defective crypt() implementation for FreeBSD 9.3 See Apache documentation for authentication: and See password formats for Apache 2.4 CRYPT $ htpasswd -nbd myName myPassword myName:rqXexS6ZhobKA And when run on FreeBSD 9.3:htpasswd -nbd myName myPassword myName:$6$Xaxjf5o0$4qAdV/N7OKPGsqM3KuD7D4HkkneCsAz752VFuDfsoRCV15c2AV295cEtBss9X.zErMK0OLYLS2P7pOzpDGGXY1 Question: does Apache 2.4 recognize this format for encrypted passwords? Server version: Apache/2.4.10 (FreeBSD) I put this value into an htpasswd file and discovered that it did not. From the Apache 2.4 documentation, and the Apache 2.2 documentation is almost identical: There are five formats that Apache recognizes for basic-authentication passwords. Note that not all formats work on every platform: bcrypt "$2y$" + the result of the crypt_blowfish algorithm. See the APR source file crypt_blowfish.c for the details of the algorithm. MD5 "$apr1$" + the result of an Apache-specific algorithm using an iterated (1,000 times) MD5 digest of various combinations of a random 32-bit salt and the password. See the APR source file apr_md5.c for the details of the algorithm. SHA1 "{SHA}" + Base64-encoded SHA-1 digest of the password. Insecure. CRYPT Unix only. Uses the traditional Unix crypt(3) function with a randomly-generated 32-bit salt (only 12 bits used) and the first 8 characters of the password. Insecure. So it appears that the $6$ is not documented as being valid and using it as an encrypted password value does not work.
Assign to apache maintainer group.
I can confirm crypt will not work on 9.3, haven't had the time to test on upcoming 10.1. At the moment I don't see an quick and easy way for an fix to support backward compatiblity,
Hi Papowell, it seems the crypt() regression was fixed recently by this errata FreeBSD-10.1 contains the errata fix already. Systems on 9.3/10.0 should run freebsd-update to get the fix. Can you run the test on your site again with an up-to-date system?
submitter feedback timeout 309 days. Also the ENs fix this on all supported versions.