Port Revision 373021 PC is Thinkpad T510 Not work under is XF86AudioLowerVolume XF86AudioRaiseVolume XF86AudioMute It is useless even if it executes the following commands after a desktop display. xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap .Xmodmap is keycode 140 = XF86AudioMute keycode 174 = XF86AudioLowerVolume keycode 176 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume (Information) KDE4 is OK MATE is OK gnome3-lite is NG Cinnamon is NG. Please Fix. Best Regards
Auto-assigned to maintainer gnome@FreeBSD.org
Gnome Term I'm sorry. If all files in following forrader are eliminated. $HOME/.config/autostart When I added the following file to the above folder and made xmodmap start, multimedia keys could be used. xmodmap.desktop is [Desktop Entry] Comment= Exec=/usr/local/bin/xmodmap /home/<login User>/.Xmodmap GenericName= Icon=system-run MimeType= Name=xmodmap Path= StartupNotify=true Terminal=false TerminalOptions= Type=Application X-DBUS-ServiceName= X-DBUS-StartupType= X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false X-KDE-Username= Best Regards