Since the recent update to perl5-5.18.4_11 and the re-installation of multiple ports dependent on perl5 for the update infrastructure, some ports were lacking dependencies that had previously been present. E.g. crypt/p5-Crypt-Random-Source needs namespace::autoclean which was no longer present. When I manually installed devel/p5-namespace-autoclean, it pulled in: devel/p5-namespace-autoclean devel/p5-Moose devel/p5-Class-Load-XS devel/p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction devel/p5-Moose devel/p5-Class-Load-XS devel/p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction devel/p5-Devel-OverloadInfo devel/p5-MRO-Compat devel/p5-Class-C3 devel/p5-Algorithm-C3 devel/p5-Devel-StackTrace devel/p5-Eval-Closure devel/p5-Package-DeprecationManager devel/p5-Task-Weaken lang/p5-Scalar-List-Utils I believe all of these has been installed previously, but disappeared with the upgrade of per5-5.18.4_11 and the attendant "portmaster `find /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/mach/5.18 -name '*.so'|xargs pkg which -qo|sort -u`" I will also note the list generated to pass to portmaster if I execute the "find ..." command again lists 30 ports including all of those just reinstalled. Finally, when I re-installed some of the required ports, I got hte following very scarey message: *** WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING *** If you're seeing this warning, your toolchain is really, really old* and you'll almost certainly have problems installing CPAN modules from this century. But never fear, dear user, for we have the technology to fix this! If you're using to install things, then you can upgrade it using: cpan CPAN If you're using CPANPLUS to install things, then you can upgrade it using: cpanp CPANPLUS If you're using cpanminus, you shouldn't be seeing this message in the first place, so please file an issue on github. If you're installing manually, please retrain your fingers to run Build.PL when present instead. This public service announcement was brought to you by the Perl Toolchain Gang, the #toolchain IRC channel, and the number 42. ---- * Alternatively, you are doing something overly clever, in which case you should consider setting the 'prefer_installer' config option in, or 'prefer_makefile' in CPANPLUS, to 'mb" and '0' respectively. You can also silence this warning for future installations by setting the PERL_MM_FALLBACK_SILENCE_WARNING environment variable.
Maintainers CC'd
This PR has been sitting for a while now. Have you been able to resolve this problem? This sounds like what's described in the 20141217 entry in /usr/ports/UPDATING. Can you please verify that you followed those step, and let us know whether the problem is resolved for you?
This was a one-time problem after the upgrade to 5.18. I did follow the instructions in 20141217 but had several dependencies missing (as opposed to no upgraded). I manually re-installed the missing ports without incident. I assume that the issue was related to the rather disturbing error message I included in the ticket. If others have not seen this, I guess this can be closed as I have seen no further problems and have no way to easily try it again. (I am not about to remove perl5.18 and re-install 5.16 along with all perl ports.)
Thanks for the update. I'm not seeing this problem cropping up elsewhere so there's not much I can do on this end. I'm going to close out this ticket. I'm glad that you were able to successfully resolve the problem though!