Accoding to this description: in order to enable the erlang mode, the following directories have to be provided by the ports. "/usr/local/otp/lib/tools-<ToolsVer>/emacs" or /usr/local/otp/lib/tools/emacs" "/usr/local/otp") "/usr/local/otp/bin" Please note, that the "-<ToolsVer>" does no longer exist in current releases. Currently the needed directory content is not provided by the ports. Maybe the .emacs file should also be created. Similarly as #195403, this should be an optional feature for the desktop and might not be necessary at a server. Thus it should belong into a subpackage too. For test purposes I downloaded OTP 17.4, installled it to "/usr/local", created the .emacs file and adapted the path by removing the version number. The emacs erlang mode worked. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues should be considered: 1) In freebsd it is possible to install multiple Erlang releases at the same time. Thus should we include a version in the path? 2a) Should the .emacs file created? 2b) Should the .emacs file be automatically adapted to the currently used erlang version? 2c) Should the .emacs file be automatically adapted to the highest currently install erlang version? E.g. using a link from /usr/local/otp/lib/tools-<ToolsVer>/emacs to /usr/local/otp/lib/tools/emacs? 3) Should the .emacs file configuration be kept to the user?
To which port does this PR apply?
Same as #195403: lang/erlang
Fill in Summary and assign.
This is solved. See #195403. I think we can close it now.
Closing PR.