irc/ezbounce FIX BROKEN MASTER_SITES irc/ezbounce MASTER_SITES ( is broken. is dark, and hasn't had an IP address for ~6mos., which is another pointer, is only a 403 to ezbounce also has an SF project. But has no dist file. Only a CVS repo. Essentially, this project has been abandoned. I've got the source, and the latest tarball. So I'll continue it's development. In the meantime, I'll host the DISTFILE. Changes in the svn(1) diff(1) attached: Makefile - MASTER_SITES pkg-descr - WWW That's All Folks! Thank you for all your time, and consideration. --Chris
Hi, Due to an issue with the backend FreeBSD Bugzilla database, your original PR and any updates to it since have been lost. I've recreated the original PR as best as I can, however any attachments and updates you submitted to the PR have been lost. Please could you resubmit them? Thanks, and apologies.
Created attachment 151469 [details] irc/ezbounce replaces MASTER_SITES, WWW Thanks for all your attention to this. --Chris
i think this was actually committed on 10 Jan: The record of it was lost though. Closing the PR as complete.
Not quite, John. The WWW listed in pkg-descr is still inconsistent with the one provided in the svn diff I posted here. Thank you for all your time, and consideration. --Chris
1) The patch in this PR will not apply. 2) the log says THIS PR was used. pkg-descr was changed. you must have uploaded a different patch than the first time, which is not fair is that is indeed what happened. However, how else could one explain that this patch doesn't match what was committed. As far as I can tell, this PR was accomplished. If the WWW was added as a second patch, it should have been a new PR. Please close this PR again. The loss of data was hard enough than having a different patch uploaded than the original.
(In reply to John Marino from comment #5) Gah! Sorry John. Seems the (re)upload was the fault -- it wasn't the same one that was attached *before* the bugzilla database debacle. Sorry. Sure. I'll close this one, and start a new one. Thanks, and Sorry, John! :) --Chris