in FreeBSD 10,0, relayd-5.5.20140810_1 does not work, when configured to check ssl or for https. Here's a basic configuration to demonstrate the issue: table <relay-www> { \ } redirect http { listen on tcp port 80 forward to <relay-www> port 80 \ check http "/index.html" host code 200 \ mode roundrobin } redirect https { listen on tcp port 443 forward to <relay-www> port 443 \ check https "/index.html" host code 200 \ mode roundrobin } relayctl show hosts will show the following: 2 table relay-www:80 active (2 hosts) 2 host 98.56% up total: 137/139 checks 3 table relay-www:443 empty 4 host 0.00% down total: 0/139 checks, error: ssl connect failed
This appears to be related to using the OPENSSL libraries in the FreeBSD OS installation, versus in ports/packages. Specifically, I installed ports, put the following in /etc/make.conf: WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes security_openssl_UNSET=SSL2 and ensured that WITH_OPENSSL=yes was in /usr/ports/net/relayd/Makefile The results are now as expected: 2 table relay-www:80 active (2 hosts) 2 host 100.00% up total: 41/41 checks 3 table relay-www:443 active (2 hosts) 4 host 100.00% up total: 41/41 checks
10.0 is gone. Are there same problems on later FreeBSD-versions? No maintainer feedback till now!
I give up maintaining this port.
Over to new maintainer. jjasen: is this still an issue in 11 and 12?
I've not had the opportunity to test it. We can probably close this.
I believe the ticket could be closed as obsolete. net/relayd has new maintainer and newer version.
Close per the last couple of comments. relayd's been updated substantially since the report was submitted.