Bug 199594 - multimedia/devede: 3.23.0 beta 1 crashes when introducing path
Summary: multimedia/devede: 3.23.0 beta 1 crashes when introducing path
Status: Closed Not A Bug
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: amd64 Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-ports-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-04-21 22:21 UTC by maxiframos@gmail.com
Modified: 2015-04-25 03:31 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


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Description maxiframos@gmail.com 2015-04-21 22:21:39 UTC
I've this problem around a week. When I select the destiny path to create the DVD crashes giving a segmentation fault.  This is the output:

[maxiframos@pcbsd-maxi] ~% devede
DeVeDe 3.23.0 beta1
Locale: es_ES.UTF-8
Using port-installed files
Cores: 4 Virtual cores: 4
Entro en fonts
Salgo de fonts
Temp Directory is:  /var/tmp
home load:  /usr/home/maxiframos/.devede
linea:  video_format:pal

linea:  temp_folder:/var/tmp/

linea:  multicore:1

linea:  hyperthreading:1

linea:  sub_language:EN (ENGLISH)

linea:  sub_codepage:ISO-8859-1

linea:  AC3_fix:0

linea:  AC3_fix_ffmpeg:0

linea:  AC3_fix_avconv:0

linea:  erase_tmp_files:1

linea:  encoder_video:ffmpeg

linea:  encoder_menu:mencoder

Creating window /usr/local/share/devede/wdisk_type.ui
Creating window /usr/local/share/devede/wmain.ui
/usr/local/lib/devede/devede_other.py:751: GtkWarning: Unknown property: GtkMenu.ubuntu-local
Launching program:  mplayer -loop 1 -identify -ao null -vo null -frames 0 /usr/local/share/devede/silence.ogg
elemento:  /usr/bin
Longitud sonido: 38
Launching program:  mplayer -loop 1 -identify -ao null -vo null -frames 0 /usr/local/share/devede/silence.ogg
elemento:  /usr/bin
Longitud sonido: 38
Calculating size for disk :svcd
Calculating size for disk :svcd
Creating window /usr/local/share/devede/wfile.ui
Anado filtro
Anado filtro
File changed to /usr/home/maxiframos/Madrileños por el mundo - Lisboa-lUmDpTRnzDE.mp4
Launching program:  mplayer -loop 1 -identify -ao null -vo null -frames 0 /usr/home/maxiframos/Madrileños por el mundo - Lisboa-lUmDpTRnzDE.mp4
elemento:  /usr/bin
Launching program:  mplayer -loop 1 -identify -ao null -vo null -frames 1 /usr/home/maxiframos/Madrileños por el mundo - Lisboa-lUmDpTRnzDE.mp4
elemento:  /usr/bin
Props: {'ismpeg': False, 'copy_audio': False, 'ofps': 25, 'fps': 25, 'ofps2': '25.000'}
Props: {'ismpeg': False, 'copy_audio': False, 'ofps': 25, 'fps': 25, 'ofps2': '25.000'}
Props: {'ismpeg': False, 'copy_audio': False, 'ofps': 25, 'fps': 25, 'ofps2': '25.000'}
Rotate: 0
Meto pista 0
Pista seleccionada: 0
Props: {'ismpeg': False, 'copy_audio': False, 'ofps': 25, 'fps': 25, 'ofps2': '25.000'}
Calculating size for disk :svcd
Calculating size for disk :svcd
PAL: False
Threads: 1
Creating window /usr/local/share/devede/wprogress.ui
Creating window /usr/local/share/devede/wfolder_dialog.ui
Entro en RUN
/usr/local/lib/devede/devede_convert.py:349: GtkWarning: gtk_tree_model_filter_get_value: assertion 'GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (model)->priv->stamp == iter->stamp' failed
/usr/local/lib/devede/devede_convert.py:349: Warning: gtype.c:4221: type id '0' is invalid
/usr/local/lib/devede/devede_convert.py:349: Warning: can't peek value table for type '<invalid>' which is not currently referenced
Error de segmentación
Comment 1 maxiframos@gmail.com 2015-04-25 03:31:31 UTC
After reinstall with pkg and recompile with ports without success I reinstall the OS and packages, now it's working. Thanks.