Since r358817[1] is committed to ports tree, the affected perl scripts are broken. e.g., #v+ % /usr/ports/Tools/scripts/ env: perl -w: No such file or directory #v- Probably should add "use warnings;" to the files, instead of "-w" switch in shebang line. References: [1] HTH
anyone can fix that.
Also, env(1) can do word splitting since FreeBSD 5.5R. And ports r358817 job isn't even finished yet. #!/usr/bin/env -S perl -w $ fgrep -r 'env perl -' $PORTSDIR/Tools/scripts/ /p/Tools/scripts/distinfochecker:#!/usr/bin/env perl -w /p/Tools/scripts/!/usr/bin/env perl -w /p/Tools/scripts/!/usr/bin/env perl -w /p/Tools/scripts/!/usr/bin/env perl -w $ fgrep -r /usr/bin/perl $PORTSDIR/Tools/ /p/Tools/scripts/! /usr/bin/perl -w /p/Tools/scripts/pkg-stash/!/usr/bin/perl -wT /p/Tools/make_readmes:#!/usr/bin/perl /p/Tools/make_index:#!/usr/bin/perl