Scenario: I want to know which binary package provides ``. Problem: pkg-rquery(8) doesn't support searching package contents. Workarounds: 1) grep through /usr/ports/*/*/pkg-plist 2) The second workaround should also really be an official FreeBSD service hosted under, much like is for Debian Linux.
For reference, this is how Debian solves the problem: % apt-get install apt-file % apt-file update % apt-file search filename apt-file downloads file lists of all configured package sources, which can be then searched locally.
Assign to pkg@
A functionality like apt-file is planned but not yet developed should not be very hard but it is not yet there as we are a small amount of devs and priorities are not there for now :) but if someone brings patches we will be glad to merge them
Do you have any planning references, design documents or such? (what exactly to implement and how)
I'm really interested in developing that feature. Do you have any resources that can help me develop that ?
This should be solved by
<> ▶ Less Known pkg(8) Features <> ▶ rosorio/pkg-provides: pkgng plugin for querying which package provides a particular file <>
Triage: reduce the severity to the norm for an enhancement request.