Bug 200239 - [security] crypto/openssh - heap overflow
Summary: [security] crypto/openssh - heap overflow
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: bin (show other bugs)
Version: CURRENT
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Many People
Assignee: Dag-Erling Smørgrav
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-05-16 13:32 UTC by Sevan Janiyan
Modified: 2015-05-21 15:19 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Comment 1 Dag-Erling Smørgrav freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-05-21 15:19:19 UTC
This was found to be harmless—it can only be exploited by someone who already has write access to the SSH client configuration file.