on KDE4 startup knotify call "/usr/local/bin/jackd -l" which is meaningless because it only prints the default dir of jackd and does not start any service; the same is true for kbiff when mail arrives in the INBOX; to nail this down (or at least to proof it), I substituted /usr/local/bin/jackd with the following shell script: #!/bin/sh printf "new jackd call:\n" >> /tmp/jackd echo $0 $* >> /tmp/jackd /usr/local/bin/jackd.bin $* & echo $! >> /tmp/jackd and on KDE start or when a mail arrives the file /tmp/jackd shows: new jackd call: /usr/local/bin/jackd -l 39343 new jackd call: /usr/local/bin/jackd -l 39345 new jackd call: /usr/local/bin/jackd -l 39347 the PIDs of the zombies are always -1: 39342 2 Z 0:00,01 <defunct> 39344 2 Z 0:00,01 <defunct> 39346 2 Z 0:00,01 <defunct> i.e. belong to the caller knotify or kbiff. I first filed a bug in kde.org, see: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=348841 but the folks @kde.org closed it again with the argument: "...you should seek support from your distro, this is a configuration issue."
Hi Matthias Is this still an issue? mfg Tobias
(In reply to Tobias C. Berner from comment #1) Hi, I run kde-4.14.3 compiled from ports r404859 end of last year and I do not see this anymore.
Glad to hear this. Sorry for the horrible response time :) I'll close this for now then.
Assign to committer that resolved