Created attachment 159305 [details] Update port to new version and add new maintainer. A new version is available for science/gromacs and the port has been orphaned. I have updated the port and volunteer to take maintainership. The enclosed patch (cd /usr/ports/science && diff -ruN gromacs.orig gromacs) does the following: * Makefile: version update from 5.0.5 to 5.0.6. * Makefile: replace maintainer ports@ with submitter. * Makefile: add new maintainer's distfile mirror. * distinfo: update contents. * files/*.patch: redone using the "make makepatch" method because Portlint suggested so. Build log ("make stage && make check-plist && make stage-qa && make package") is available here: Output of Portlint: # env DEVELOPER=yes portlint -A . WARN: Makefile: for new port, make $FreeBSD$ tag in comment section empty, to make SVN happy. 0 fatal errors and 1 warning found. #
A commit references this bug: Author: amdmi3 Date: Sun Aug 16 21:31:43 UTC 2015 New revision: 394419 URL: Log: - Update to 5.0.6 - Pass maintainership to submitter - Add distfile mirror PR: 201921 Submitted by: Changes: head/science/gromacs/Makefile head/science/gromacs/distinfo head/science/gromacs/files/patch-cmake_gmxManageSharedLibraries.cmake