eom automatically detects presence of gobject-introspection and if it's present, enables it and fails to build: --- CCLD eom GISCAN Eom-1.0.gir uta.c:44: Error: Eom: identifier not found on the first line: * eom_uta_new: Allocate a new uta. ^ uta.c:72: Error: Eom: identifier not found on the first line: * eom_uta_free: Free a uta. ^ uta.c:86: Error: Eom: identifier not found on the first line: * eom_irect_intersect: Find intersection of two integer rectangles. ^ uta.c:102: Error: Eom: identifier not found on the first line: * eom_irect_empty: Determine whether integer rectangle is empty. ^ uta.c:113: Error: Eom: identifier not found on the first line: * eom_uta_from_irect: Generate uta covering a rectangle. ^ --- full log: https://people.freebsd.org/~amdmi3/eom-introspection.log Either this should be fixed (gobject-introspection updated to new version? eom code fixed?) or introspection should be forcibly disabled by adding --enable-introspection=no to CONFIGURE_ARGS.
A commit references this bug: Author: kwm Date: Wed Jul 29 15:42:14 UTC 2015 New revision: 393162 URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/393162 Log: Disable introspection, it doesn't build with the current gobject-introspection tools in ports. PR: 201970 Submitted by: amdmi3@ Changes: head/graphics/eom/Makefile
Thanks, I completly missed to check if introspection was present in poudriere. And my dev box has a new enough gobject-introspection port so I didn't notice it there either.