Bug 202222 - x11/deforaos-desktop Add an XDG session entry/start script
Summary: x11/deforaos-desktop Add an XDG session entry/start script
Status: Closed Overcome By Events
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Many People
Assignee: Olivier Cochard
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-08-10 15:08 UTC by ken
Modified: 2023-06-18 18:55 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
bugzilla: maintainer-feedback? (olivier)

Icon file for the desktop entry (2.06 KB, image/png)
2015-08-10 15:08 UTC, ken
no flags Details
startdeforaos script (162 bytes, text/plain)
2015-08-10 15:08 UTC, ken
no flags Details
deforaos.desktop XDG session registration (172 bytes, text/plain)
2015-08-10 15:10 UTC, ken
no flags Details

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Description ken 2015-08-10 15:08:06 UTC
Created attachment 159733 [details]
Icon file for the desktop entry

The DeforaOS ports/packages do not appear to have an XDG session entry or a single script/binary for starting up the desktop. This prevents it from being accessible from a graphical login manager for end-users. I am not sure if this should be added to the x11/deforaos-desktop (meta package), or the x11/deforaos-browser port (since that one actually installs the "desktop" binary).

I am attaching a couple possible files to fix this issue:
1) A "startdeforaos" script for launching all the necessary pieces of the DE (to be placed in /usr/local/bin).
  Note: This script only starts the desktop/panel at the moment - it seem like DeforaOS still needs a window manager? 

2) An icon for the DE: "deforaos.png" (to be placed in /usr/local/share/pixmaps)
3) An XDG session entry: deforaos.desktop (to be placed in /usr/local/share/xsessions)

Just in case the text files do not get attached properly - here are the contents of the plain text files:

[file /usr/local/bin/startdeforaos]

#start up the panel (required for graphical logout options)
panel &

#start up the WM (does it have one?)

#Now start the main desktop session


[file /usr/local/share/xsessions/deforaos.desktop]
[Desktop Entry] 
Comment=A lightweight desktop environment

Comment 1 ken 2015-08-10 15:08:49 UTC
Created attachment 159734 [details]
startdeforaos script
Comment 2 ken 2015-08-10 15:10:20 UTC
Created attachment 159735 [details]
deforaos.desktop XDG session registration
Comment 3 Raphael Kubo da Costa freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2016-02-28 23:27:50 UTC
Ping olivier@.
Comment 4 Olivier Cochard freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2016-02-29 08:10:10 UTC
I'm still working one (my laptop was not able to boot FreeBSD since 10.1, I had to found another one).
Comment 5 Walter Schwarzenfeld 2018-01-13 06:10:44 UTC
Is this still relevant?
Comment 6 Olivier Cochard freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2018-01-13 15:00:08 UTC
Yes it stills relevant (shame on me).
Comment 7 Walter Schwarzenfeld 2019-09-06 20:03:48 UTC
ping again!
Comment 8 Rene Ladan freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2023-06-18 18:55:19 UTC
I'm closing this PR as there hasn't been any activity in four years and x11/deforaos-panel which this port needs expired today after being broken for over two years.