The software gimp is always forgetting his screens! After every new Start, there are always windows missing, that should be there, since last quit of the software. It seems, that gimp is not writing its settings on close. I highly think that is something to do with the gimp-gmic-plugin Bug: The gimp-gmic-plugin has a “double error”: The project has changed the URL where to find Filters in the Internet – BUT it has also forgotten its local stored filters. So it is always searching the Internet und fails. The Question is: Why it is searching in the net – when it has the filters local? See the relation? Gimp always forget his settings – also does gimp-gmic-plugin do: Forget its settings.
Sorry, my fault Gimp has a check box under the menu 'windows' called something like 'hide docks' (I have it only in German). So just uncheck it - that is the solution. I was thinking there is a relation to the wery anoing bug But I was maybe wrong. So close this PR
PR closed on request from submitter.