Bug 206535 - Possible errata in section "5.7.3. Xfce"
Summary: Possible errata in section "5.7.3. Xfce"
Status: Closed Works As Intended
Alias: None
Product: Documentation
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Books & Articles (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Many People
Assignee: Warren Block
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Reported: 2016-01-23 18:55 UTC by Pablo Brasero
Modified: 2016-01-24 16:33 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Pablo Brasero 2016-01-23 18:55:43 UTC
I believe the handbook is wrong in section 5.7.3, where it instructs readers to use the command `exec /usr/local/bin/startxfce4` in the file `~/.xsession`.

That command doesn't work for me, whereas `exec /usr/local/bin/xfce4-session` does. I believe that would be the correct command to use.
Comment 1 Warren Block freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2016-01-24 01:41:57 UTC
Are you looking at the latest version of the Handbook?  The latest version has instructions for both startx and XDM.

The startx section says to add the command to .xinitrc.  The XDM section adds it to .xsession.

Both should also use the --with-ck-launch flag, I'll add that.
Comment 2 Pablo Brasero 2016-01-24 01:50:47 UTC
Yes. Sorry, I didn't explain myself properly. I'll rephrase.

Section 5.7.3, as seen at https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/x11-wm.html, has instructions for both startx and XDM, as you point out.

What I mean is that the second of these two, the one about XDM, says to use `exec /usr/local/bin/startxfce4` in `~/.xsession`, and that didn't work for me. However, using `exec /usr/local/bin/xfce4-session` instead, in that same file, does the trick.

Now, it might be it's not that the command is wrong, but that the argument is missing. That I cannot tell.

As for the startx route, I haven't even tried (I'm going the XDM route), so I cannot tell.
Comment 3 Warren Block freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2016-01-24 02:24:51 UTC
Please test "exec /usr/local/bin/startxfce4 --with-ck-launch" in .xsession with XDM.  If that still does not work, there might be other issues.
Comment 4 Pablo Brasero 2016-01-24 12:54:52 UTC
I stand corrected; your solution works. I must have done something wrong when I tried last night.

Thank you,