Bug 206679 - www/qt5-webkit: ar: libWebCore.a: File truncated for debug/libWebCore.a when FreeBSD ports' WITH_DEBUG= is used
Summary: www/qt5-webkit: ar: libWebCore.a: File truncated for debug/libWebCore.a when ...
Status: Closed Not Accepted
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: amd64 Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-kde (group)
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-01-27 15:33 UTC by Mark Millard
Modified: 2018-10-20 18:28 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
rakuco: maintainer-feedback+


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Description Mark Millard 2016-01-27 15:33:26 UTC
Using a projects/clang380-import based system (-r294777) on amd64 (targeting amd64) I'm unable to build a WITH_DEBUG= WITH_DEBUG_FILES= www/webkit-qt5 because of debug/libWebCore.a . What I get is ar reporting "File truncated":

. . .
rm -f libWebCore.a
ar cqs libWebCore.a .obj/Modules/geolocation/Coordinates.o .obj/Modules/geolocation/Geolocation.o .obj/Modules/geolocation/GeolocationController.o . . . Huge list . . .
ar: libWebCore.a: File truncated
Makefile.WebCore.Target:8162: recipe for target 'debug/libWebCore.a' failed
gmake[4]: *** [debug/libWebCore.a] Error 1
gmake[4]: Leaving directory '/usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/www/webkit-qt5/work/.build/Source/WebCore'
Makefile.WebCore:68: recipe for target 'sub-Target-pri-make_first-ordered' failed
gmake[3]: *** [sub-Target-pri-make_first-ordered] Error 2
gmake[3]: Leaving directory '/usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/www/webkit-qt5/work/.build/Source/WebCore'
Makefile:222: recipe for target 'sub-Source-WebCore-WebCore-pro-make_first-ordered' failed
gmake[2]: *** [sub-Source-WebCore-WebCore-pro-make_first-ordered] Error 2
gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/www/webkit-qt5/work/.build'
===> Compilation failed unexpectedly.
Try to set MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE=yes and rebuild before reporting the failure to
the maintainer.
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/webkit-qt5

The build was via portupgrade and qt5 originally got involved indirectly via something else that I was building.
Comment 1 Raphael Kubo da Costa freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2016-01-27 21:05:44 UTC
It's running out of memory because you're linking a debug version of WebKit. Doing that requires quite a lot of resources.

With that said, it looks like this is the opposite of what you want when you did WITH_DEBUG=. Since bsd.qt.mk does `if defined(WITH_DEBUG)' it will build a debug version instead of the default release one. Is there a reason for setting WITH_DEBUG like that instead of just not setting it at all?
Comment 2 Mark Millard 2016-01-27 22:30:57 UTC
6GBytes of RAM, 2 GByte of swap. 64GByte of disk. But ZFS (as an experiment) so the file system likely is more memory hungry than if I'd used UFS.

I do not remember top showing it being nearly out of memory but I'll have to retry at some point if I want to be sure.

I would have guessed that the file format has some 4GB limit that might have been reached, explaining why the terminology reads like a file truncation instead of out-of-memory.

Looking around some I found one 2012 reference to code in ar that was reported to then look like:

	  /* Catch an attempt to grow an archive past its 4Gb limit.  */
	  if (archive_member_file_ptr != (file_ptr) offset)
	      bfd_set_error (bfd_error_file_truncated);
	      return FALSE;

If this was the issue it might imply needing the library to be split up in order to fit for  what is now qt's debug/libWebCore.a builds.

Looks like you are right about WITH_DEBUG= : the WITH_DEBUG= is some stray text that should not be in my make.conf . share/mk/*'s (bsd.lib.mk and bsd.prog.mk) use the following sort logic to add -g:

.if ${MK_DEBUG_FILES} != "no" && empty(DEBUG_FLAGS:M-g) && \

And that is the only reason that I can think of for the WITH_DEBUG= existing. So I'll remove it but still use WITH_DEBUG_FILES= and see what happens.
Comment 3 Mark Millard 2016-01-29 10:55:08 UTC
man ports reports that:

. . .
     WITH_DEBUG                    (bool) If set, debugging symbols are
                                   installed for ports binaries.

Thuis my WITH_DEBUG= use was realistic by FreeBSD rules.

So it appears to me that its attempting to build debug/libWebCore.a instead (or in addition) is a conflicting use of WITH_DEBUG , especially since it fails and blocks the build. It would seem that for FreeBSD to have its WITH_DEBUG convention for ports, an alternate name for the alternate use would need to be used by the specific port.

Also even if having -g with release builds makes a release/libWebCore.a completely this report is still valid because any deliberately attempted build of debug/libWebCore.a would fail as my accidental WITH_DEBUG use did.
Comment 4 Mark Millard 2016-01-29 11:24:10 UTC
While not explicitly documented in "man ports" WITH_DEBUG= for ports controls:

MAKE_ENV (via a +=)
DEBUG_FLAGS (via a ?=)

Avoiding defining WITH_DEBUG at all but still providing gdb a better context for analyzing tracebacks and such would require the explicit, manual control of  at least the above 4 items in make.conf files used for ports activities.

In the specific context this would be to avoid the currently impossible debug/libWebCore.a that would otherwise stop the build.
Comment 5 Mark Millard 2016-05-29 10:38:13 UTC
(In reply to Mark Millard from comment #4)

As of /usr/ports -r415874 www/webkit-qt5 still misinterprets FreeBSD's WITH_DEBUG= (from /etc/make.conf ) and still fails to build as a result --failing the same way as reported before: File truncated.
Comment 6 Tobias C. Berner freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2018-10-20 18:28:30 UTC
If you don't want debug, don't define WITH_DEBUG.

If you set WITH_DEBUG globabally, set undef it via .undef WITH_DEBUG for qt5-webkit.