Created attachment 169130 [details] mutt-bad If built with NCURSES, the thread display is broken, see the two screenshots attached.
Created attachment 169131 [details] mutt-good/slang
maintainer tried to reproduce, more context is needed.
I propose to close this, as now there is already version 1.7.0 released which probably fixes that problem (not double-checked, as I can't reproduce).
I will test again with the newer mutt.
Did you test with the latest version? Still reproducable?
Sorry that it took me so long to re-test. Re-tested on 12amd64 just a few minutes ago, yes, problem still persists. Attachment follows.
Created attachment 179089 [details] mutt-1.7.2-with-nurses-still-bad
m, the screenshot looks like your locale is messed up. (see Mail from Ulrich Sp??rlein for example.). Maybe mutt ncurses uses non-ascii/unicode characters to render the threads?
LC_CTYPE=C LANG=C what would you suggest to change ?
I use en_US.UTF8 and it looks ok. See also this thread: e.g.: try this: echo -e "\0342\0224\0224\0342\0224\0200\0076" should give you "└─>" (mutt's arrow showing a reply in a thread).