Bug 209106 - pf and pf.conf man pages are missing description of ALTQ_CODEL and ALTQ_FAIRQ
Summary: pf and pf.conf man pages are missing description of ALTQ_CODEL and ALTQ_FAIRQ
Status: Open
Alias: None
Product: Documentation
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Manual Pages (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Some People
Assignee: freebsd-bugs (Nobody)
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Reported: 2016-04-27 17:54 UTC by Volodymyr Kostyrko
Modified: 2021-10-12 07:26 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Volodymyr Kostyrko 2016-04-27 17:54:14 UTC
While support fo CoDel and FairQ is already committed documentation on them is missing. I tried configuring pf.conf using DragonFlyBSD manpage and everything works fine.
Comment 1 Felix Johnson 2021-10-12 03:47:12 UTC
These macros are documented in altq(4), since commit:

pf(4) and pf.conf(5) include altq(4) in SEE ALSO.

Do we need more clarification in pf and pf.conf, or can this PR be closed?
Comment 2 Volodymyr Kostyrko 2021-10-12 07:26:06 UTC
I think I meant QUEUEING section in pf.conf describing how to actually use the specified ALTQ scheduler according to pf.conf syntax. Right now FairQ has it's own block of text under QUEUEING on DragonFlyBSD, but FreeBSD has no relevant section, you can just get scheduler names without any hint how to use one and what it's good for.

I hope it can be just pulled from upstream if they have one.