Bug 209237 - ports-mgmt/portupgrade fails to unstill some ports
Summary: ports-mgmt/portupgrade fails to unstill some ports
Status: Closed DUPLICATE of bug 209211
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Some People
Assignee: Bryan Drewery
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-05-03 16:10 UTC by tschweikle
Modified: 2018-01-24 19:41 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
koobs: maintainer-feedback? (bdrewery)


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Description tschweikle 2016-05-03 16:10:29 UTC
Since some time now, various upgrade tasks fail, because of uninstall errors:
--->  ** Upgrade tasks 153: 30 done, 0 ignored, 92 skipped and 31 failed
** Listing the failed packages (-:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
        ! graphics/jpeg (jpeg-8_6)      (uninstall error)
        ! net/uriparser (uriparser-0.8.4)       (uninstall error)
        ! devel/libsigsegv (libsigsegv-2.10_1)  (uninstall error)
        ! converters/libiconv (libiconv-1.14_9) (uninstall error)
        ! devel/libev (libev-4.22,1)    (uninstall error)
        ! net/libdnet (libdnet-1.12_1)  (uninstall error)
        ! devel/libedit (libedit-3.1.20150325_2)        (uninstall error)
        ! devel/libpthread-stubs (libpthread-stubs-0.3_6)       (uninstall error)
        ! devel/gettext-runtime (gettext-runtime-0.19.7)        (uninstall error)
        * graphics/tiff (tiff-4.0.6_1)
        * devel/gettext-tools (gettext-tools-0.19.7)
        * graphics/jasper (jasper-1.900.1_16)
        ! graphics/png (png-1.6.21)     (uninstall error)
        ! security/libssh2 (libssh2-1.7.0,2)    (uninstall error)
        ! textproc/libyaml (libyaml-0.1.6_2)    (uninstall error)
        ! archivers/lzo2 (lzo2-2.09)    (uninstall error)
        ! x11/libICE (libICE-1.0.9_1,1) (uninstall error)
        ! devel/libffi (libffi-3.2.1)   (uninstall error)
        * lang/python27 (python27-2.7.11_2)
        * lang/python2 (python2-2_3)
        * devel/popt (popt-1.16_1)
        * devel/gettext (gettext-0.19.7)
        * devel/py-setuptools27 (py27-setuptools27-20.0)
        * x11/libSM (libSM-1.2.2_3,1)
        ! devel/pcre (pcre-8.38_1)      (uninstall error)
        * textproc/py-sphinx_rtd_theme (py27-sphinx_rtd_theme-0.1.9)
        * devel/py-six (py27-six-1.10.0)
        ! x11/libXau (libXau-1.0.8_3)   (uninstall error)
        * textproc/py-MarkupSafe (py27-MarkupSafe-0.23)
        ! x11/libXdmcp (libXdmcp-1.1.2) (uninstall error)
        * devel/py-pytz (py27-pytz-2016.1,1)
        * devel/py-babel (py27-Babel-2.2.0_1)
        * devel/py-Jinja2 (py27-Jinja2-2.8)
        ! net/openldap24-client (openldap-client-2.4.44)        (uninstall error)
        * textproc/py-alabaster (py27-alabaster-0.7.6)
        ! ports-mgmt/pkg (pkg-1.7.2)    (uninstall error)
        * lang/python34 (python34-3.4.4_2)
        * lang/python3 (python3-3_3)
        * net/rsync (rsync-3.1.2_3)
        * textproc/py-pystemmer (py27-pystemmer-1.3.0_1)
        * textproc/py-snowballstemmer (py27-snowballstemmer-1.2.0_1)
        * textproc/py-pygments (py27-pygments-2.1.3)
        * textproc/py-docutils (py27-docutils-0.12)
        * textproc/py-sphinx (py27-sphinx-1.3.1_2)
        * databases/gdbm (gdbm-1.11_2)
        * shells/zsh (zsh-5.2_1)
        * lang/perl5.22 (perl5-5.22.2)
        * security/xinetd (xinetd-2.3.15_1)
        ! x11/pixman (pixman-0.34.0)    (uninstall error)
        * devel/libstatgrab (libstatgrab-0.91)
        * devel/p5-Getopt-Long (p5-Getopt-Long-2.46)
        * security/p5-Net-SSLeay (p5-Net-SSLeay-1.74)
        * textproc/p5-YAML-Syck (p5-YAML-Syck-1.27_1)
        * devel/p5-Locale-gettext (p5-Locale-gettext-1.06)
        * misc/help2man (help2man-1.43.3_1)
        * print/texinfo (texinfo-6.0.20151108)
        * devel/m4 (m4-1.4.17_1,1)
        * devel/bison (bison-2.7.1,1)
        * devel/scons (scons-2.5.0)
        ! devel/jsoncpp (jsoncpp-0.6.0.r2_2)    (uninstall error)
        * shells/bash (bash-4.3.42_1)
        * devel/gmake (gmake-4.1_2)
        * devel/libtool (libtool-2.4.6)
        * dns/libidn (libidn-1.31)
        * ftp/wget (wget-1.16.3_1)
        ! devel/libcheck (libcheck-0.10.0)      (uninstall error)
        * security/libgpg-error (libgpg-error-1.22)
        * devel/p5-Date-Manip (p5-Date-Manip-6.53)
        * security/libgcrypt (libgcrypt-1.7.0)
        ! textproc/libxml2 (libxml2-2.9.3)      (uninstall error)
        * sysutils/screen (screen-4.3.1_2)
        * net-mgmt/nagios-plugins (nagios-plugins-2.1.1_5,1)
        ! devel/jansson (jansson-2.7_1) (uninstall error)
        * sysutils/bareos-client (bareos-client-15.2.2_2)
        * textproc/libxslt (libxslt-1.1.28_8)
        * x11/xcb-proto (xcb-proto-1.11_1)
        * devel/autoconf (autoconf-2.69)
        * x11/libxcb (libxcb-1.11.1)
        * print/freetype2 (freetype2-2.6.3)
        * x11/libX11 (libX11-1.6.3,1)
        * x11-toolkits/libXt (libXt-1.1.5,1)
        * x11/xcb-util (xcb-util-0.4.0_1,1)
        * x11/libXext (libXext-1.3.3_1,1)
        * x11/libXfixes (libXfixes-5.0.1_3)
        * x11/xcb-util-renderutil (xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.9_1)
        * x11/libXi (libXi-1.7.6,1)
        * devel/automake (automake-1.15_1)
        ! devel/libevent2 (libevent2-2.0.22_1)  (uninstall error)
        * sysutils/tmux (tmux-2.1_1)
        * x11/libXrender (libXrender-0.9.9)
        * sysutils/byobu (byobu-5.80_1)
        ! devel/icu (icu-55.1)  (uninstall error)
        * devel/glib20 (glib-2.46.2)
        * databases/sqlite3 (sqlite3-3.12.1)
        ! devel/argp-standalone (argp-standalone-1.3_2) (uninstall error)
        * www/spdylay (spdylay-1.3.2)
        * sysutils/freeipmi (freeipmi-1.5.1)
        * lang/ruby22 (ruby-2.2.4,1)
        ! databases/db5 (db5-5.3.28_3)  (uninstall error)
        * security/cyrus-sasl2 (cyrus-sasl-2.1.26_12)
        * sysutils/ipmitool (ipmitool-1.8.15_1)
        * www/nghttp2 (nghttp2-1.10.0)
        * ftp/curl (curl-7.48.0_2)
        * databases/ruby-gdbm (ruby22-gdbm-2.2.4_3,1)
        ! textproc/expat2 (expat-2.1.0_3)       (uninstall error)
        * devel/apr1 (apr-
        * archivers/libarchive (libarchive-3.1.2_6,1)
        * x11-fonts/fontconfig (fontconfig-2.11.1_1,1)
        * graphics/cairo (cairo-1.14.6,2)
        * devel/cmake (cmake-3.5.2)
        * devel/gobject-introspection (gobject-introspection-1.46.0)
        * graphics/gdk-pixbuf2 (gdk-pixbuf2-2.32.3)
        * databases/ruby-bdb (ruby22-bdb-0.6.6_4)
        * ports-mgmt/portupgrade (portupgrade-2.4.14,2)
        * devel/ruby-gems (ruby22-gems-2.6.2)
        * textproc/p5-XML-Parser (p5-XML-Parser-2.44)
        * textproc/intltool (intltool-0.51.0_1)
        * devel/libnotify (libnotify-0.7.6_1)
        ! net/libproxy (libproxy-0.4.12)        (uninstall error)
        * emulators/open-vm-tools-nox11 (open-vm-tools-nox11-1280544_12,1)
        * devel/rubygem-rake (rubygem-rake-11.1.2)
        * www/serf (serf-1.3.8_1)
        * devel/subversion (subversion-1.9.4)

In tune various upgrades fail. doing it "manually" no "uninstall error" is seen:

cd /usr/ports/graphics/jpeg; make deinstall; make clean build install clean

works. While

portupgrade -f graphics/jpeg

wont work:
====> Compressing man pages (compress-man)
--->  Backing up the old version
--->  Uninstalling the old version
[Reading data from pkg(8) ... - 153 packages found - done]
--->  Deinstalling 'jpeg-8_6'
[Reading data from pkg(8) ... - 153 packages found - done]
** Listing the failed packages (-:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
        ! jpeg-8_6      (Broken pipe)
** Listing the failed packages (-:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
        ! graphics/jpeg (jpeg-8_6)      (uninstall error)
Comment 1 Tomoaki AOKI 2016-05-04 09:50:26 UTC
This would be duplicate of Bug 209211.

If this is really a duplicate, quick fix is to revert r298920 for stable/10
or r298192 for head and rebuild / reinstall usr.bin/file and lib/libmagic.

  *Roll back at contrib/file and lib/libmagic using `svnlite up -r <rev>`,
   where <rev> is 298919 or earlier for stable/10 and 298191 or earlier for head.

But I'm not clear whether base /usr/bin/file or portupgrade should be fixed,
so I'm open whichever Bug 209211 or this one should be closed as duplicate.
Comment 2 Kubilay Kocak freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2016-09-08 15:06:12 UTC
Assign to maintainer
Comment 3 Walter Schwarzenfeld 2018-01-12 14:52:10 UTC
Maintainer feedback?
Comment 4 Bryan Drewery freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2018-01-24 19:41:28 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 209211 ***