expects the 'sip' executable. For different versions of python the actual executables are under ${LOCALBASE}/bin/sip-N.N with default version symlinked as ${LOCALBASE}/bin/sip
Created attachment 173060 [details] patch
Seems to be same problem/patch for all py-qt5-* (tested for svg, xml, gui)
What exactly is the issue here? If you set 'DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=python=3.5 python3=3.5' as described in [1] and devel/py-sip devel/py-qt5-core & co work as expected. [1]
The core problem is that those files prevent installing package versions for different python versions at the same time. It is best to unconflict them by uniquifying the paths, more flexible this way.
Shouldn't this be fixed (given comment:2) in in a generic fashion, instead of on a per-port basis? Something along the lines of: .if ${_PYQT_VERSION} != "sip" CONFIGURE_ARGS+="--sip=${LOCALBASE}/bin/sip-${PYTHON:D${PYTHON}:U${PYTHON_VER}}" .endif But it seems like sip would need fixing then as well: won't bin/sip conflict if you install sip for multiple Python versions?
Cannot be In Progress without a (real) Assignee. Assign to committer who set in progress for re-assignment or re-open. I would suggest using variables provided by Uses/ to specify the suffix string.
As Adriaan suggested, it should be enough to CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--sip=${PREFIX}/bin/sip-${PYTHON_VER} in Mk/Uses/ -- as USE_PYTHON=conncurrent is already set, sip gets installed as sip-${PYTHON_VER} already and linked if necessary. So all that is missing seems to be to pass the correct binary to the configure script. However, we also need to add USE_PYTHON+=concurrent to the other py-qt5 ports too -- and also install the sip-files into a versioned directory. I'll look into it.
Just out of curiosity: Would this also help, when py27-qt5-core is already installed and I want to also install py35-qt5-core? ATM, I get the following error: Installing py35-qt5-core-5.6... pkg-static: py35-qt5-core-5.6 conflicts with py27-qt5-core-5.6 (installs files into the same place). Problematic file: /usr/local/bin/pyuic5
Hi Rainer Yes, the diff in should address that issue too. mfg Tobias
(In reply to Tobias C. Berner from comment #9) Good news. I need this for my development of the next major release of graphics/qgis next year, with qt5 and python3 deps ... Thanks for answering :)
(In reply to Tobias C. Berner from comment #9) Hi Tobias, Do you know when the patch will be applied? Regards
Sorry, not yet. The review kind of stalled, and it seems the python ports are a bit in flux, and stuff is more broken than ever on the py3*-qt5-* side. mfg Tobias
Is this bug can be related to #219641 which seems worked? )462214) shows: 229 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=-b ${PREFIX}/bin \ 230 -d ${PYTHONPREFIX_SITELIBDIR} \ 231 -q ${QMAKE} \ 232 --confirm-license \ 233 --sip ${LOCALBASE}/bin/sip-${PYTHON_VER} \ 234 --sipdir ${SIPDIR} It is done, so I close here - fixed.