Hi, at first sorry for my english. I tried to use bhyve with Windows2012R2 without any updates on latest freenas (FreeBSD 10.3-STABLE (FreeNAS.amd64) #0 r295946+0ea9076(9.10-STABLE)). System boots without any problems, AD wokrs very well but I cant install Remote Desktop Services Role. I tried with many options - on zvol, img, with and without Windows updates, Windows 2012R2, 2016 and everytime I got Failed on first role - "Remote Desktop Services role services" or "Remote Desktop connection Broker" when i try to install only this single role. PS. I got same problem on clean freebsd 11.0 release
I am unable to reach the reported by email but am using Server 2016 successfully under bhyve, though I did not need to explicitly add the RDP component. I cannot think of a bhyve component that would impact software installation if more complex operations like AD are working. Closing having seen no activity on the ticket and cannot reach the reporter.